6 month no-relaxer challenge


Active Member
I just went 6 months before retouching, and it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. I wore a lot of buns and phony tail styles. I washed more often and didn't really comb my hair often, it was more like finger combing most of time.

Surge helped to keep my new growth soft, along with UBH cream moisturizer and other conditioners. I never thought I would be able to go this long without major breakage.


New Member
The longest I went without a relaxer was 4 months. I only waited 4 months b/c my hair was thinning around my hair line. I was afraid that if I relaxed my hair that I would end up bald.

The only draw back I had from waiting to relax my hair was the hair styles that I wore. I am not good at styling my hair and braids are just not for me. So, I basically wore my hair pulled back in a bun. And my hair grew a lot and it even became more thicker too.

But, as for will I go another 4 months or longer without a relaxer. I do not think I will b/c if you wait too long then you will mostlikely experience breakage. Personally, if I do decide to wait in between my relaxer. Then I will not go past 4 months b/c I do not want to experience any breakage.And my hair normally grows an inch a month anyway. However, there was one thing I want to caution anyone who decides to stretch their relaxer. You could end up doing more harm than good b/c your hair is weakest where the new growth and relaxed hair meet. If you are not planning on transitioning then if I were you I wouldn't wait to long to have the next relaxer.


Well-Known Member
Well the longer the better for me, however I don't think I've ever gone past 4 months. I'm waiting until October which will be 4 months for me this time too. I have a showing to do on a cruise to the Caribbean so I'll need to do something to my hair for it to hold up in the heat there. If I can find a hairstyle for the heat, then I'll stretch it out for 2 more months.

So... I'll check back in October and let you know.


New Member
I will not be joining this challenge but good luck to all of you who will. I am now 14wks and will be going to Miami & New York in August so will get a re-touch before I go as I want to look my best (You never know who I might meet
) This will be my 2nd re-touch this year.


New Member
I'm happy to see so many are joining in on the challenge. I know it'll be hard, but again, if my hair starts breaking, I'm gonna relax. So far, I think my hair is doing really well and I mastered certain techniques to keep breakage at bay. If I can continue on like this then I'm gonna keep going. The longest I've ever been is 4 months and I did that 3 times. So I guess after month 4 will be when the true test will be.


New Member
Hey Everybody! I'm new here and I decided last month, after a horrible experience with color and breakage, that I would try transitioning back to natural. I't only been a month but I can tell already that styling will be difficult. My plan is wear cornrows or maybe weaves and every 4 to 6 weeks, take a half inch off. I don't think I would feel comfortable not having it straight after I completely transition. Would I do even worse damage to my hair by pressing it straight after it's completely natural?