A TRUTH about petroleum & mineral oil... YAY!!!!

Welp she called it, It does not enter into your strands, so ultimately it will just sit on your hair, blocking anything else that needs to enter to keep your hair "Truly" Moisturized. That's exactly why I don't use it! Thank You. Very Informative!
She did her research. I sure helpful for those just getting started. But it probably just firms up your current decision, no matter which side of the fence you are on.

I don't follow her so it seemed like she was answering questions that she had received from her current viewers. Nice resource to have.
Yea I gathered it "can" also go on your scalp just fine without clogging pores.
Also I found it interesting that the mineral oil keeps in what the hair needs and keeps out what it doesn't. I still would only seal with petrolatum and use my hs14in1 in the warm months but I'm glad she broke it down and cited her info.