AAA Challenge - My Hair is Breaking Off!!


New Member
I've seen alot of short hairs sprouting on my head lately. I wasnt sure if it was breakage or new growth. I was freaking out wondering what was going on and I think I've figured it out! It's the amla and shakakai powders I've been using. I'm doing the AAA Challenge and using Candy C's regimen with the indian oils and powders. Well, even though I rinse like crazy, alot of times the powder doesnt get rinsed out completely I think it's breaking my hair :wallbash:

Its like when you go to the beach and you get sand in your hair. You have to wash it out good or the sand will act like scissors and literally saw through your hair. Thats what's happening to me. The damn powder that I dont get out is breaking my hair off.

I'm going to stop using the powders for now and just do the oils and the gro aut regimen. I'm pissed about this setback, though I'm glad I figured it out now before I lost all my hair. Just putting this out there for those that are using the powders. Make sure you rinse it ALL out!! HHG
Oh, sweetheart! I'm so sorry that this is happening to you! :bighug:

Take a break from the powders. I've starting just using them once a week or once every two weeks due to my fine hair. But a way to combat all of that is to steep the powders by pouring boiling hot water over them and allow them to dissolve.

Try not to use too much powder. Another thing you can do is to strain off the powders, leaving the mixture resembling tea. You can strain off the powders more than once, running the mixture throw a strainer until all the grains are gone.

Try it that way the next time. :blowkiss:
thats what i do....that powder used to get stuck in my braid so now i strain the powder and then put in lots of water o make like tea once it sets i pour it into another bow just to get rid or any little bits hung at the bottom then use it after every shampoo....leave in for 15-20 then rinse again. But maybe you might need a break or use the powders different....hopefully not too much damage to your hair....:ohwell:
I learned a couple of years ago that Shakakai powder dries out my hair. (Somehow, the shakakai soap does not.) But I stay away from washing my hair with powders. That never really worked for me.

But having said that, are you absolutely sure that the hair you see is not new hair as opposed to broken hair? What do the ends of the hairs look like? If they are tapered, it's most likely new growth. If they are blunt or have white dots, you are probably right.