Why is it that you shouldn't comb after ayurveda?


New Member
I just received my powders a few days ago and will be using them on Wednesday. I read in one of Candy C's threads that one shouldn't comb her hair after using the powders. Is there any particular reason why, or is it just a general low manipulation tip? I don't want my hair to fall out or anything...

(Sorry if there is a thread about this already; I searched and couldn't find one. :))
I think she said it was because the cuticles were open, which makes the hair more susceptible to damage. But she also stated that she had no porosity issues since doing this, and anything that corrects hair's porosity is a product that causes the cuticle to lay down, if you will. I do find that when I do a rinse, my hair does feel like the cuticles are open, or that my hair has been "volumized", and it is known that volumizing products somewhat swell up the hair shaft or cuticle. But it also feels like it could pull an ox cart. Like seriously, that strong! One thing I do after the rinse is an ACV rinse OR porosity control, and then I deep condition EVERY time. I have no issues with falling hair or anything like that, and I actually do manipulate my hair a little. So hmm... maybe you'll be fine.
I agree with belle. I co-wash, DC, rinse with cold water, and then follow with braidouts everytime. I section my hair and comb it a few times before braiding and I haven't had any problems. No breakage either, just a few shed hairs.
I was wondering as well. My only problem is that If I don't comb my hair out when wet it will be just a tangled mass when it dries since I usually air dry.