? About Trimming at the Salon


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,

I know that most of you get you hair trimmed when dry. I like to get my hair trimmed when it is straight and dry. However, I want to get a rollerset with my relaxer. My question is, what is the procedure when your stylist trims your hair because I don't want to use direct heat?

Thanks in advance
My stylist trims my hair wet. I don't particularly like that practice, but I also don't want him blow drying my hair either... :ohwell: (Back before I discovered LHCF, the stylist I went to back then would blow dry, trim, then curl (with the iron) my hair... :(
Lindy said:
My stylist trims my hair wet. I don't particularly like that practice, but I also don't want him blow drying my hair either... :ohwell: (Back before I discovered LHCF, the stylist I went to back then would blow dry, trim, then curl (with the iron) my hair... :(
That is what I ususally get done but I don't want to do that anymore :(
I get a dusting when my hair is dry and straight, but I get a true trim when it's wet. I go to 2 different stylist for each.
I used to get trimmed wet, but now, I don't want to do that anymore. I think the stylists get a leeettle too happy with that. Now that I get dry trims, I suck it up and take the direct heat. I'm only trimming once or twice a year, anyway, so I just go for the gusto. I know how you feel though...especially because it irks me to no end to leave a salon without my curls. I can't see how else to get a dry trim, though, without it being straight...you don't want to give them any room for error ;).
I like to wash my own hair before I go to the salon. After I wash my hair, I pull it back into a twist and let it air dry. By the time it's time for my appointment, my hair is a little damp yet straight enough to get a nice even cut. I find this to be the easiest way for me, plus they only charge me for just a trim because I pull my hair back into a protective style and bypass the heat. It's also cheaper.
Can you New York ladies please tell me where you go to get a trim? You all seem to be satisfied with the stylist that trims your hair. Sorry to change the subject but I'm desperate. Thanks.
I think you might have to get a wet trim in this case. Be sure to tell your stylist that you know stylists usually trim too much off when hair is wet and you want to avoid that.

I used to get my hair trimmed after it was blow-dried and before it was curled with an iron, too. That drove me nuts because all the damaging heat on my ends seemed to defeat the purpose of having freshly trimmed hair.