Adding conditioner or oil to hair color


New Member
I have been following the advice of folks here since about Oct. '09, and it's been working like a charm I have to say. I have wonderful new growth and my hair is thicker and healthier than ever.

As father time marches on...I am getting more and more gray hair. First just around my front it's sprinkled throughout my crown. I ain't goin' down w/o a fight, so I am coloring the front almost weekly now, and the rest....every few months.

Demi and Semi color has been a joke, but I am concern about the long term effects of permanent color on my hair.

Has anyone found a way to make permanent color gentler on the hair. I'm wondering if adding conditioner or a few drops of penetrating oil then sitting under the dryer or steamer has worked for anyone.

Please a minute, I'll be looking like Miss Jane Pitman. :nono:
