Affirm 5-in-1 vs Positive Link


New Member
:wave: Sooooo... Been thinking again! And I see the somewhat different descriptions of Affirm 5-in-1 and Positive Link Conditioner, but any one know the real deal? Tried them? Ingredient list? Explain the difference to me? I have the 5-in-1 for after relaxers and I also tried it after I made a hair boo-boo (I'm not even gonna confess what I did, lol)... So I'm really just wanting Positive Link info. Muchos gracias in advance!
I don't know. I have never used Positive link. I have used 5 in 1 though. I like it. It is not as strong as Aphogee, but it is a pretty good protein and not drying. :) I am interested to read a comparison of the performance of the two products and a comparison of the prices. ;)
You may have seen this already. I've only used the 5 n 1. There are a few old thread on it, but you may want newer responses.

From the site:

Affirm® 5 in 1 Reconstuctor For Damaged or Fine, Limp Hair

# A unique blend of micro- and macrofibrous conditioners that is applied immediately after rinsing the relaxer from the hair and before the normalizing shampoo.
# Normalizes the pH of hair while substantive conditioners are deposited well within the hair fiber. [Deep conditioning is still possible at this stage because of the upper mantle of the hair is still alkaline (approximate pH of 10.0) and the cuticles remain partially open.
# Re-aligns, seals and smoothes cuticles.
# Detangles.
# Imparts body and volumizes fine, limp hair.
# Enhances shine.

Affirm® Positive Link® Conditioner For Medium to Coarse Hair

# Applied immediately after Affirm® Creme Relaxer is rinsed from hair. [At this stage, the hair is still alkaline, (pH 10) and cuticles remain partially open, allowing the most effective penetration of micro and macro-conditioners.]
# Restores hair to its proper pH of 4.5 - 5.5.
# Re-aligns, firms and seals cuticles to enhance shine.
# Highly Recommended for Regular Salon Services As a Deep Penetrating Moisturizing Conditioner.
# Hydrates and softens dry, brittle hair.
# Repairs damaged areas within and on the surface of the hair shaft.
# Imparts a beautiful shine.
# Eases combing and eliminates static electricity.
Thanks, kitchen_tician! I know I have my slow moments, but they just seem too dern similar to me (especially that you apply them both after the relaxer, sealing the cuticle, etc)! I know the Positive Link is a little cheaper ($4 I think), but since I already like 5-in-1 I may just stick to that. Then again, I might be missing out on Positive Link... It is talking MOISTURE! Just when I think I've conquered being a dern pj :perplexed...

Another question: Those vs. KeraCare Reconstructor? It surely costs the most!!
Well, from what I've read on the board in the past, positive link is for medium/coarse hair and 5 n 1 if for more fine hair. I use 5 n 1. I also saw where the positive link talks about moisture. I'm not really sure.