Affirm Sensitive Scalp Relaxer


New Member
I'm going to the salon to get my hair relaxed in a few weeks, and the stylist uses Affirm Sensitive Scalp Relaxer. (you can't bring in your own.)

I researched it and I'm worried because it can be really drying, and I already have probs with dry hair... I asked the stylist about this and she said the salon version is a type that has extra ingredients that help with moisturizing, so I shouldn't have that issue.

Can anyone vouch for this? Ease my worries a little? Lol.

Also, can this relaxer get hair bone straight?
I don't know about the Affirm Sensitive scalp but I do know about and use Fiberguard Sensitive Scalp. Its made by Affirm. I haven't had a problem at all with dryness. It's a no lye relaxer so I make sure to chelate monthly and dc weekly. I also moisturize and seal regularly. Even if I skip a few days of moisturizing my hair doesn't dry out. I think as long as you dc and keep your moisture up, you will be fine.
My stylist uses the Fiberguard by Affirm and I haven't noticed any problems with dryness. Also, I don't relax bone straight. She leaves it on long enough to texlax.
My stylist uses the Affirm Creme Relaxer. I haven't had a problem with major dryness afterwards. My hair is always a little parched after a relaxer, so my first wash after I will clarify and DC. Then back to soft soft moist hair.