After Co-washing...


New Member
What do you do with your hair? I just co-washed MY hair (and not my hair in a sew-in) for the first time ever and I'm at a loss as far as what I need to do next. This is my first time learning how to care for my own hair and not a weave, and I'm just so confused!

I'm 5 months post, but because of the damage from all the sew-ins, I don't have much progress to show for this stretch.

I just put my hair into a ponytail holder while still wet and threw my half wig back on because I didn't know what to do next :perplexed
I agree with bambleg. Do what you would normally do after a wash. DC or leave-in; air dry, roller set or blow dry. The only difference is that you didn't use shampoo.
That's it. Just do what you do after a wash. I put my hair in a pony tail and let it air dry.

Yeah, like I said in my first post I'm used to doing co-washes with a weave install so I didn't know what to do with my hair now that it's out and not braided.

Thanks for all of the responses!
i wrap a wifebeater (is that a colloquialism?) around it, let it dry most of the way, then add my leave-in and oil to seal. after that, i style...usually fat two-strand or flat twists if i am going to bed, or a bun/WNG if it is the morning.