
New Member
I am new to the LHCF but I have heard great things so i am not requesting help.

My hair type is a mixture of 3b/C and 4A in the middle...relaxed every 6- 8wks (Hair grows rapidly will start breaking if I wait longer than 8wks). My current length is approx 1 inch above bra strap.

My issue is on my left side my hair seems thinner and the font and middle (on the left side ) is breaking. I think it is because this is the side i tend to sleep on at night. I am not sure what i should do to prevent this from happening...Pls help? :perplexed

I wrap my hair almost everynight and the nights i don't i sleep on a silk pillow case, I have tried so much but nothing works.:wallbash:
I wrap my hair almost everynight and the nights i don't i sleep on a silk pillow case, I have tried so much but nothing works.:wallbash:

I'd suggest a silk/satin pillow case or bonnet and "Cross wrapping". to prevent one side thinning while the other stays thick.

We need details about your regimen to be of any real help.

I would clarify with an AVC rinse, DC, then start with a moderate protein like Aphogee 2-min recon. If that's enough or too much, DC. If it's not enough, at your next wash try the Two-step treatment and a good DC (the moisture balance step isn't necessary and not very good, I've used my own DC mix after this for years with no problems).

I'd also suggest removing SLS poo from your reggie is dryness seems to be leading to the breakage. In your case, being almost BSL at that, it sounds like an issue of manipulation-related breakage.
Well thanks for the suggestion...first thing I am not to up to speed on the acronyms so it you give me a little insight on that it would be helpful.

As for my regiment I usually:
  1. shampoo wash and deep condition my hair once a week.
  2. condition wash at least twice a week using a conditioner mixed with Olive oil.
  3. After all washes I apply Nexus leave in conditioner
  4. I either roller set and dry under the drier or I wash and go.
  5. There are times (Maybe once a month I will blow out my roots mostly when its due to be relaxed)
  6. And at night I wrap I do alternate the direction I wrap in but it doesn't seem to be helping.
I don't like to put too much in my hair because it's very thin and if I add oils it makes my hair heavy. I suspect my biggest issues are moisture and like you said manipulation but I am not sure what I should use to tackle these problems.

Wrapping will do that to your hair. You may have to sleep in an alternative style. One of my friends who is relaxed wears a bonnet and just leaves her hair down inside of it. Have you tried that?
Wrapping will do that to your hair. You may have to sleep in an alternative style. One of my friends who is relaxed wears a bonnet and just leaves her hair down inside of it. Have you tried that?

I'm not relaxed, but my mum was always a big supporter of doing pincurls and sleeping that way.
hi nikkly!

question: how are you manipulating your hair? as in... are you combing and/ or brushing it? what kind of brushes / combs do you use? perhaps you're being too rough when you brush / comb it?... your regimen looks fine, so the key to your breakage lies in how you handle it on a daily basis, and also how you wear it.
Wrapping will do that to your hair. You may have to sleep in an alternative style. One of my friends who is relaxed wears a bonnet and just leaves her hair down inside of it. Have you tried that?

i do this every night. depending on how i stuff it into the bonnet, my hair comes out with a slight bump.
Sounds like it's probably the wrapping.

Is the side where it's breaking the side where the wrap direction is going against the growth?

This used to happen to me.

I started alternating pincurls with wrapping and it solved that problem.

Some people cross-wrap but I never bothered to try it, lol.
the wrapping maybe the problem, this was the problem for me i had thinner hair on once side. try pin curls or something else and tie down with a silk scarf...what products are you using?
Thanks everyone for their response. Now to Ans some questions:

For those of you who asked yes i have tried the bonnet and that has also been ok but i still see the weakness in my hair.

As for my manipulation I can say i brush my hair in the morning (I never use a bristle brush - not sure of the name of the ones i use. Most of the time my hair is down or in a ponytail and in a bun when it needs to be relaxed. Honestly sometimes i do think i am a little rough or i may brush my hair too much :ohwell:

Products :
Shampoo and conditioner - Usually i use the Pantene relaxed and natural or the cream of nature

Leavin - Nexus weightless leav in

deep conditioner - Pantene relaxed and natural breakage defense ( I am going to guess this is not working because i started using it before my hair started breaking)
Have you tried not wrapping your hair?...like pincurls or cross wrapping or something else?

I saw where you answered about wrapping your hair under a bonnet but you didn't answer the questions regarding wrapping.
Having seen your regimen I would agree it's the wrapping. Something in you technique. What kind of brush do you use? Do you use pins?

AVC -Apple Cider Vinegar
DC -Deep Conditinoer
SLS -Sodium Laureth/Laurel Sulfate.

I'm glad to see you got some more responses! HTH!:yep:
No I don't use Pins when i wrap because when i pull them out sometime hair comes out too. As for the brush i rearly use a bristle brush most of the time i use the other types of brushes (the wide teeth or round brush, Don't know what they are called)
i would stop wrapping and just braid in a pony tail and tie it down with a silk scarf... and i usually do not wrap my hair when i have alot of new growth

ETA: When my hair was breakin the most i turned to pantene relaxed and natural this made matters worst the shampoo has sulfates in it and i washed once a week...how do you feel about these products on your hair?
I feel like the pantene relaxed and natural was ok for my hair i actually like the Cream of Nature moisturising shampoo allot.... and at times i use the Kera Care Shampoos... The one thing i realize bout my hair is that i have to keep switching to different products if i use only the same products my hair will not stay healthy. (Strange but true)
Focus on a) the amount of heat that you are using
b) Your internal health. Eat healthy, take vitamins, exercise/scalp massages, enough sleep, reduce stress.

try going without the brush for a while. invest in a .99 cent shower comb, or an EXTRA wide toothed comb for daily styling purposes.

using a brush (paddle or otherwise) can potentially lead to breakage if you're using that to put your hair into the wrap. when i wrap, i use my fingers, and use a wide-toothed shower comb to finish it up.

aaand... i wouldn't suggest wrapping your hair with a comb or a brush if you have over .5 an inch of new growth. doing so would require a lot of hair manipulation, because you'd have to use a brush to get it smooth, and in the long run, you'll lose a lot of unnecessary hair.

one more thing. think about the speed with which you're passing the comb / brush through your hair. are you kind of slicing the tool through your hair, or gently passing it through, to remove the tangles? personally, i try not to even use the shower comb for styling purposes, but when i do, i move it though my hair slowly and gently. this helps ease the tension of the tool on each individual strand.
Hey thanks this sounds like some s ound advice is sure will try them all... Thanks so much i will let you know how it turns out...