Air Drying Shorter Hair


New Member
I want to start air drying my hair, but since it's barely starting to touch my shoulders in the longest layer and the shortest layer is chin length I end up looking poodle like when I air dry. I've tried twists and bantu knots, but it still looks a mess.

What are your tips for air drying especially with shorter hair.


My hair is about the same length. When I air dry my hair, I wrap it wet, then flat ironed it the next day. But if you aren't using heat (and a heat protectant :0) you probably should try a rollerset. That's what I have been doing lately, and I am loving it. Except for the fact that my arms get tired after a while from rolling me hair.
My hair is just above my shoulders, and I've been airdrying since I joined the board in August. It has made a world of difference not to blow dry. I find my ends don't frizz up and my hair holds whatever style I wear better. My hair is relaxed fairly straight. I think the trick is to find the best leave in that works for you. The best I've discovered is Aveda Elixir mixed 50/50 with Cantu Shea Butter moisturizer, so I massage that through, and use some coconut or jojoba oil on the ends. I wait until my hair is about 40% dry then I comb. My hair has come out beautifully doing this, and then I use pin curls over night and fluff with fingers the next day.

I think you just need to experiment a few different things to find out what works.
I am a BIG FAN of roller sets. Would you consider roller setting and then airdrying?
CoCoGirl821 said:
My hair is about the same length. When I air dry my hair, I wrap it wet, then flat ironed it the next day. But if you aren't using heat (and a heat protectant :0) you probably should try a rollerset. That's what I have been doing lately, and I am loving it. Except for the fact that my arms get tired after a while from rolling me hair.

this is what i do. i rollerset and let it airdry. before i rolerset i use some moisturizer and an oil, some people like to use a serum. then i use the rollers. this has eliminated the frizzies i had before when i wouldnt apply any product.