Am I the only one who doesn't WANT waist length+ hair?


Well-Known Member
I am really amazed and impressed by the results I see on this forum and youtube, etc... but I find myself literally incapable of caring for my hair past a certain length (BSL). I came to this forum because my hair was already long and wanted tips on how to keep it healthy (and join with people who were as haircare-obsessed/as much of a PJ as I am!) But I can honestly say, I have no desire to have hair to my hips! OMG...I don't think I could maintain a full-time job! LOL

I found my longest hair (MBL) to be a lot of work, so much so, that a family member of mine pointed out that every time he came by to visit I was either getting ready to get under the dryer, getting out from the dryer, or under it. And it was true! I know that long hair is lovely and this is no disrespect to the people who want/have it, but when I think of the weight of that hair, having it get caught on stuff (in between me and the chair back if it's down), all I can think is "time to cut, cut, cut!" Am I still allowed here? :Blush2:
Yeah, probably, not. Just a little a couple of inches past bsl is fine for me. The only way I'm letting my hair grow to wsl is if I have a relaxer or if I have dreads.
hahahahaha; yup -- it's just you :grin:

my mum's hair grows really fast and hardly shrinks (looks kinky straight naturally) so you can always see her full length. and it's insanely thick! but she HATES long hair like it's poison. hates the feel of hair on her neck, on her face etc. so she keeps it cut. i think in highschool she let it grow out but that's about it. i've never personally seen her w/ hair past shoulder length.

for the record; i think she's certifiable and should be locked up for that. i would kill for her low maintenance and fast growing hair. maybe not kill... but i would seriously maime for it.

but yeh, you're not alone.

but you're also insane (no offence :drunk:)
shoulder length is enough for long as i can wear it up in a cascade of curls or slick it back inot a pony tail....i'm good.:yep:
I've been to APL, BSL, and MBL. So I think I might as well do WL this time. It'll be different this time because i'm natural now.
No, I don't want WL hair either. That would be entirely too much work for me and not fun anymore. MBL is my goal, and I think that's really tipping me to the "too much" side, but in my opinion, that's what I consider LONG hair!
but yeh, you're not alone.

but you're also insane (no offence :drunk:)

Well, I knew that already...the title is not "am I crazy?" Because that has already been established. :lol: It actually does have deep roots in my childhood psyche. My hair was hip length as a child, and I hated it. I didn't like that I was different from the other kids, and I was tenderheaded so "hair time" was painful--and my mom did not care! Neither one of those things are issues now, but I did develop an aversion to (extra-) long hair maintenance. Even now sometimes, I'm just like "ugh! hair! To the ponytail with you!" But I would like some nice, BSL (or slightly above) natural hair :grin:
I can't even begin to relate. I have never been past SL natural or relaxed. I am having a hard time just imagining APL :ohwell:
Well I don't want waist length hair, but I want it longer in it's natural state (like BSL), and that is going to have to be probably TBL or WL. But...if it doesn't grow like that due to shrinkage and I can't get it past a certain point, I'll just stop caring. I don't use heat a lot, so too much wet hair is annoying to me.

You aren't alone, or weird.
Nope your not alone. I would be fine with bsl to mbl hair cause waist length would be too much to handle. I do admire it on other people like its pretty but its too much for me.
I agree with you on that. My goal is MBL and at the same time I'm 9 months into a 1yr stretch. I really feel like it takes up too much time and the detangling is starting to get on my nerves.
Nope not alone. I want very healthy APL-BSL hair. BSL is my ultimate limit. Anything more than that, I would have to keep cutting.
I don't you are weird or crazy. After healthy hair, I want manageable hair. My goal is to have longer curly natural hair. I think this may wind up being APL or MBL in the end. WL represents spending all day doing my hair just something I am not interested in doing.
LOL, I can't imagine dealing with that much hair. I'll be happy with MBL hair. However, I will let my daughter's hair grow as long as possible. I don't mind spending the time on her hair.
I'm not so sure I am all on the waist length train. I love seeing that length on other folks, but I get a little sad thinking about that length on me. I start thinking about the things I might not be able to wise. I tend to keep all my protective styles neck length, shoulder length, or just above armpit length. I just wonder what I would do with all that hair...I know other ladies can handle...but it doesn't keep me from wondering.

Outside of all hair is a lot now...I think I would truly be happy healthy MBL with layers.

I keep going back and forth on this.

When I was relaxed as a teenager, I often thought about cutting my hair short like the other girls.
When I was relaxed as an adult and my hair rarely grew past my shoulders, I wanted it super long.
When I did the BC, I wanted it super long, stat!
As I was growing it out, I started waffling back and forth because I missed my TWA.
Now, I still waffle. My DH loves my hair long, and I do too most days, but it is hot, takes a lot of time, etc.

I don't know. Right now, I will keep growing it and see what happens. Part of me wants to see how long I can get it. Part of me misses that TWA!
if i wore my hair straight all of the time at it's current length which is past WL id lose my mind. probably wouldnt cut it but id lose my mind. in it's natural state my shrinkage is insane so it's just past my shoulders and easy to maintain.
While I may not grow my hair to waist-length consciously, it may go down that route since I'm transitioning for two years at least. My hair's already BSL (which it has been while relaxed) and I would like my hair to be MBL while stretched. So, if it happens, it happens.
if i wore my hair straight all of the time at it's current length which is past WL id lose my mind. probably wouldnt cut it but id lose my mind. in it's natural state my shrinkage is insane so it's just past my shoulders and easy to maintain.

Whoa, seriously??? Dannnng! Shrinkage is something else!I have a feeling I might experience a lot of shrinkage too, considering my inch-or-two above
BSL transitioning hair sits at my shoulders as well...Dannnngggg.
For me, the longer my hair gets the easier it is to take care of. I use more product, but I can get away with doing less and bad hair days are easy to hide. I guess it's just a frame of mind. I never really saw having longer hair as being a hassle and it has never been for me.