Anyone having Chlorella side effects?!!


Well-Known Member
Yep, I experienced the violent vomiting and acne. The nausea continued for over a month. I have an appointment with my physician tomorrow to see about the gastro issues.

Nope, Chlorella aint for me. I was really hoping it would work. Oh well. * shrugs.

it could of been your pregnancy causing your vomiting?

you did not know you were pregnant until not too long ago,if i remember correctly?

how is it going?


New Member
The same thing happened to me. I took NOW chlorella for about 3 weeks faithfully. Was feeling great. Stopped taking it for a while & one night I decided to start taking it again. I woke up with the worst nausea ever & was sweating profusely. I thought maybe it was pms & just laid on my stomach all night & breathed deeply. Anyway, I took it a month later at bedtime like I had previously, & the same thing happened, except I was vomiting so violently I had to go to the ER. The DR told me that a lot of supplements aren't regulated by the FDA (I knew this already), but I didn't think that was the case since I had taken the same dose from the same bottle. The next few days I was a little nauseous, but wasn't throwing up anymore. Like other posters, I threw away the bottle. I can't bring myself to ever take it again.


Well-Known Member
Okay, all of these side effects are really starting to scare me. :nono:
I absolutely dread vomiting. It's one of the rare things that I try to avoid at all costs and I'm a self-proclaimed masochist. I can handle some pain, but vomiting is not something I wanna go through on the regular.

I was going to go buy some Chlorella because it does seem to cleanse the body, but I'm not going to go through these vomiting spells to do so. I'll check with a doctor before using it. :look:


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any information on why chlorella may cause acne? there more than just detoxing?

I know acne/break-outs are some of the initial side effects from chlorella but what about after 6-8 months of continual use...what if your STILL getting it? ...isn't it suppose to help with skin problems and clear up your skin?

This is the only side effect I have from chlorella, and although I've always have acne problems, chlorella has made it WORSE!!

I really don't want to throw it away from good but I'm on the verge...anyone?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
I don't want to give too much information, but since we're mostly ladies...:look:
Ever since I started drinking Bolthouse Farms Green Goodness (which has chlorella and spirulina), I've been getting this brown discharge after menstruation. I don't know if anyone else has been experiencing this :ohwell:


Active Member
I am so greatful that I am here(alive) today. I have been on chlorella for almost ONE month. I started at a very very low dose and I gradually increased every other day until I was "green". Everything was peachy and I was a happy camper. THEN, last Wednesday, with an unchanged diet and my regular routine I had my beautiful glass of green goodness...but this time something didnt feel kosher after about a half hour. I cried out for my SO for help and told him to call an ambulance(I was buggin' the f-out) I started to throw up VI-O-LEN-TLY from about 7 pm and I didn't stop until about 12 am(I am a God fearing person and this is no lie). My SO didn't call ER cause he was too busy calming me down and cleaning me up, he kept on saying "it's just throw up, it'll cool down." As I was vomiting in a bucket in my balcony(I desperately needed fresh air), I remember looking up to the stars and talking to HIM and said 'my hair is growing just fine and this is not worth my health'.

Of course the next day I did not go to work(I usually never miss work) and today my abdominal area does not hurt as much. I just couldn't wait to get back to my old self. I wish nothing that horrible on anyone. IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!I WAS AFRAID! Sorry for the rambling but I somehow knew I couln't be the only one with these episodes. Thank you Jesus, it's in the past. NEVER AGAIN

if this wont wake them up, what will? and i bet many have still ordered since reading this.....