
Well-Known Member
For all the ladies that own more products then a lil bit.....how do you decide when and what products you will be using on any given day....I just OD'd on hair products today...I ordered two bottles of mega-tek, a bottle of avocado mist, and the whole aphogee line at sally's today....this does not include the matrix sleek and smooth line I bought last friday or the follicure line I bought the week before that......Can you ladies elaborate on your product-filled regimen....How do you organize???
I try to use certain things when I do certain styles or if my hair needs a treatment.

For example, when I straighten I usually DC with Redken Real Control and use their leave-in and heat spray. If I'm going to do a braidout or a bun, I use Aubrey Organics' HSR or Island Naturals and the HE LTR Leave-In. If I'm 8 weeks post and/or I need a lot of moisture, I use Hairveda's Sitrinillah Masque. I then use a protein DC (Aubrey's) like once every 6 weeks or so. For shampoo, I just use ABBA Pure Moisture regularly and Mizani BB Neutralizing Poo for chelating/clarifying.

I do feel overwhelmed with lots of product choices, so that's why I've stopped buying new stuff to try.
Depends on what my hair needs on the particular wash day but it does get a little overwhelming on wash day but all those feeling fly out the window when I go shopping or read some wonderful new product rave.
i honestly don't have a method. I'll go in the shower w/ 2 poos, 3 cons, and 2 dc's. And i'll decide while i'm in the shower what i wanna use.
I try to use my protein a week before my relaxer and the week after my relaxer and all regular products in between weeks.
i honestly don't have a method. I'll go in the shower w/ 2 poos, 3 cons, and 2 dc's. And i'll decide while i'm in the shower what i wanna use.

LOL. I'd go batty doing that. I need order. Plus, I'm clumsy, so I know I'll probably drop one of them on my way from the bathroom closet to the shower.
Since doing my hair is part work, part fun, I just decide what I want to use. Now if I need protein, moisture, or detoxifying, I have to take that into account and choose a product that will do whatever I need. But I just decide before doing my hair.

Also, depending on the style I'm wearing depends on the products I'll use.
The rotation is supposed be like this:look: but it never makes it. I get distracted by new products too much.:spinning: So I just grab whatever is closest.
4 weeks in a month
week one clarify,moisture products
week two protein and moisture
week three moisture
week four reconstructor

if 5 weeks then it's a moisture mask or packet of choice
For all the ladies that own more products then a lil bit.....how do you decide when and what products you will be using on any given day....I just OD'd on hair products today...I ordered two bottles of mega-tek, a bottle of avocado mist, and the whole aphogee line at sally's today....this does not include the matrix sleek and smooth line I bought last friday or the follicure line I bought the week before that......Can you ladies elaborate on your product-filled regimen....How do you organize???

Gosh you sound like me! I'm a certified product junkie... when I see or hear about something new, I have to try it. I remember buying the entire Carol's Daughter line, but found that the only product I really liked and continue to purchase is the Black Vanilla Leave-in Conditioner (smells yummy). :lick:
Really, you have to just experiment and see what works for you. It may be one product out of a line or it could be the entire line. When you find something you like, stick to it. Sometimes I'll buy something, use it once, and underneath the sink it goes!
Also, be careful with using too many products at one time because if your hair likes or dislikes something, it makes it hard to figure out which product did the good or bad deed. Me myself.... I'm still searching for the perfect deep conditioner.
I go by what my hair needs and what I'm trying to get rid of. I have several products that I won't use until I finish off some others.
This is a good post. I rotate depending on my hair needs. Like you have stated we are overwhelmed with our products but can't depart with any. I use the products based on new growth, smoothness, dryness and softness.

When Im 5-8 weeks post, I use more protein products in my stash to keep my demacration line strong, therefore no breakage. I love my Mizani Thermasmooth Conditioner for this. I also use the Palmers Olive Oil Conditioner it has Kertain in it and leaves my hair really silky smooth.

When my hair is dry, I use my moisturizing products, like V05 moisture milks (strawberries & creme) and ORS Olive Oil creme, along with Komaza Shea butter hair lotion.

When I spot a lil breakage or my hair is muchy I use Apoghee 2 min Reconstructor.

When my hair is is to strong I use a protein free moisturizer. I just got my Hairveda package, and im thankful she has products thats protein free.

However my Paul Mitchel Original Leave in Conditioner is a must. I use this often. I just recently bought the Sally's GVP Version so I can save a few bucks, cause I can not tell a difference.

Also my Vatika Frosting (Hairveda) , I use often as well and can not depart from it. Its something about this stuff I love. I know this stuff has turned my hair around.

Overall I just listen to my hair, and do what it say. Thats the easiest thing to dl.