Aveda Detoxifier has ruined my hair.


New Member
Hello -- This is my first post. Unfortunately, it's a sad one.

I use a lot of cones, and my usual shampoo didn't seem to be getting them out, so I picked up the Detoxifier on a whim the other day. I'd read that this shampoo would take out product build-up (as well as chlorine and hard water deposits).

So I tried it -- I usually wash in sections, and after lathering up the first section, I immediately didn't like the way my hair felt.

THIS is where I made my mistake.

Not only did I Not stop using it at that moment, but I went on to the NEXT section without rinsing it out (I always shampoo this way)... I figured I'd let it Sit there and really get those cones out while I washed the other. 10. sections.

When I FINALLY got around to rinsing it out (about 10 minutes later), my hair felt SO.. MUSHY. and Weak. and Limp. It just felt like a Blob. It felt so fragile, that I had to be extra careful not to break it.

What's also strange is that the strands are actually bonding to themselves. I have to very carefully pull them apart.

So after calling Aveda, the customer rep suggested more products i should use to try and fix the problem. After shelling out more $$, my hair still doesn't feel any better.

*(I know this happened because i left the shampoo in for too long -- No one leaves shampoo in for 10 minutes.)*

The shampoo seems to have eaten right through my hair.

It took out all the cones, the oil, the protein, the elasticity... it pretty much took the Life out of my hair.

I don't know how to tell if my hair's cuticle is gone, but I suspect that it is.

I also use a fair bit of heat on my hair. I am 4a/b natural, and I blow dry and flat iron about every once every 2 weeks.

So I'm thinking that maybe this is just what my hair is really like, underneath of all the protein treatments I've done to it over time.

But I doubt it, since I've used other shampoos (the exact same way), and I've Never had this happen.

I'm sure I'll have to cut it and start over... but I figure I'll try and salvage what's left by using protein and moisturizing treatments. (I've already done 2 this weekend, and even used a few Eggs. My hair still feels the same).

I used up a whole bottle of this, its quite harsh but my hair didn't suffer from it. I now use Keracare first lather to clarify. I'd suggest that and using a moisturising shampoo after it.
I use this product also. The key to using this is to dilute it. I use a quarter size amount, and dilute with distilled water. This works great. However, this product is pretty stripping so I only use it every other month or so when I do protein atreatment prior to relaxing. At other times when I need to clarify, I use L'anza deep cleansing shampoo, or Elucence clarifying shampoo, both of these are gentle products.
I'm so sorry this happened to you! Personally, I love the detoxifier. I use it once a week/every two weeks, but I don't leave it on for 10 minutes, so I can't say what would happen if I did. I have not liked other clarifying shampoos and how they made my hair feel (however that feeling is usually "hard", not "mushy and limp"), but the detoxifier has worked well for me. I don't even get tangles when I use it! But I do always follow up with a good conditioner...that goes for any clarifying shampoo I might use. I really hope you can get your hair back on track. I wish I had a suggestion for you, but you seem to be trying the moisturizing and protein treatments already, which is what I would suggest. I'm sorry you are going through this!
Chilli, sorry about your situation.
In the past I've used this shampoo--sparingly. I think the nature of the shampoo makes it drying. I only used it about once every month or two.

Next time I would follow Chichelle's advice and also don't use it frequently.
I'm Sorry you had a bad experience with the Detoxifier. But, I think it was doing it's intended job......to deeply clarify hair, and make it sqeaky clean! It serves those purposes well! I use it when I need a heavy duty clarifying! So only use as needed! HTH!
BTW, Welcome the LHCF! :yay:
I also use Neutrogena's anti-residue Shampoo. It does the same job, and it's no where near as drying as the detoxifier! :yep:
I am soo sorry to hear about your hair...If you are looking for a Heavy Protien ...try Dudley's DRC 28. It is really good stuff. It is hard to get your hands on and a bit pricey but if you do, worth it.
Wow.. I just happened to see this thread while searching for something else just now..
When I first posted it back in July, it didn't show up, so I didn't know this post had actually gone through..

Thank you so much to everyone who responded, and offered support and advice.
I was So upset at the time that had happened.. but I'm happy to say that things did improve.
Now, 3 months later, my hair is doing much better -- it's stronger, and not mushy or limp feeling at all.. I've done protein treatments with Aubrey Organics GPB -- that's helped a lot. Things got significantly better the first time I used it. I still flat-iron, which I know isn't good.. And I've been avoiding products with silicones, so I wont have to use a clarifier.. I will try the products that were suggested here..

Thanks again :)