B**ch you need a perm!

Great post, Lucia. I hope my daughter doesn't go through that.:( I don't know if I could stand her coming home in tears becuse people are making fun of her hair.
Divine Inspiration said:
Wow...I haven't heard it, but that concept is offensive. Some people have such small minds...

Yes. ITA with you Divine. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said "Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."

I would add to that and say absent minds discuss insignificant matters.
That is some sad a-- sh--. some people are retarded beyond human belief. she need to go listen to india arie (i am not my hair) A REAL SONG
bLaCkMaMa7_7 said:
That is some sad a-- sh--. some people are retarded beyond human belief. she need to go listen to india arie (i am not my hair) A REAL SONG

I love that song then again, I love India Arie. Great that someone can succeed at what they love and be real at the same time.
I guarantee Miss B's hair is a hot mess! LOL.

I don't know, I'm with CG, I love my hair, it doesn't phase me too much...just chuckle and shake my head.
so1913 said:
I guarantee Miss B's hair is a hot mess! LOL.

I don't know, I'm with CG, I love my hair, it doesn't phase me too much...just chuckle and shake my head.

Yup. Last time I saw her, she had about 1 or 2 inches of overprocessed relaxed hair that looked like she packed it with grease and gel. If she said something like that to anyone, it would just look like she's jealous because she doesn't have any hair. :lol:
caltron said:
Yup. Last time I saw her, she had about 1 or 2 inches of overprocessed relaxed hair that looked like she packed it with grease and gel. If she said something like that to anyone, it would just look like she's jealous because she doesn't have any hair. :lol:
