Battle of the *Hair Milks* *Milky Moisturizers*


New Member
Hello Everyone!

This is my first thread in the hair section of the site lol I'm kind of nervous.

This thread is all about hair milks! :lick:

The next thing on my list is a milky moisturizer to use everyday or every
other day (depending on how awesome it is).

There are quite a few good sellers of milky moisturizers. I'm wondering which ones you guys have tried and how you liked them.

A few questions.

What is your regimen?
(If you know) Does your hair like glycerin?
(if you know) What is your porosity?
(if you know) Do you have fine or coarse strands?
How do you use the hair milk?
Is your hair chemically processed? Colour? Relaxed?

Any insight or knowledge would be much appreciated :yep:
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Welcome! I like Karen's Body Beautiful Hair Nectar when I use a hair cream kind of product. I use her Super Silky after every wash, it's especially good when twisting for me.

She has a Sweet Treat Sample pack that has both in it. Sample Packs

What is your regimen? I wash once a week and add jojoba oil, then castor oil to damp hair. I then add a hair butter/curl cream and Super Silky for sheen and twist. Air dry.
(If you know) Does your hair like glycerin? I thought Super Silky had glycerin in it, but when I looked it didn't...not sure
(if you know) What is your porosity? Highly porous
(if you know) Do you have fine or coarse strands? Coarse strands
Is your hair chemically processed? Colour? Relaxed? natural with color
I don't know if this would count but Kinky Curly Knot Today is the shizzzzz.

(If you know) Does your hair like glycerin? Glycerin is the debil. :nono: My hair doesn't mind in dcs or if it's lower on the ingredients list.

(if you know) What is your porosity? High-med porosity unfortunately.

(if you know) Do you have fine or coarse strands? fine-medium. closer to the finer side, though.

How do you use the hair milk? Put it in my hair every other day. I would like to use it every day but I'd be out real quick.

Is your hair chemically processed? Colour? Relaxed? No, no and nope.
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cute thread.

I'm relaxed
My hair does not like glycerin (or honey) - makes it feel hard, stringent
I have fine & some medium strands, non-coarse, normal porosity

I like Keracare Natural Textures Leave-In conditioner. On wet or dry hair its great.
I also like Crece Pelo Leave in
Both of those are creamy, non-oily milks

Qhemet Biologics CocoDetangler is pretty nice too, but it is a hair cream - only use a sm. bit, but it is not a hair milk.

I'm always looking for a great hair leave in - that NOT NTM.
I love Shescentit's Coco Creme leave in. Its very watery and light. I didn't like Kinky Curly Knot today, it didn't seem to moisturize my hair at all.

(If you know) Does your hair like glycerin?
Yes, my hair loves glycerin, but only in the warmer months.

(if you know) What is your porosity?
Highly Porous

(if you know) Do you have fine or coarse strands?
Fine Hair

How do you use the hair milk?
As a Leave in Conditioner

Is your hair chemically processed? Colour? Relaxed?
I love milky moisturizers! These are my 5 favorites:

1) Komaza Shea Butter Lotion - smells amazing. It's thick, but absorbs quickly. Very hydrating.

2) Komaza Moku Hair Serum - very lightweight, contains ceramides, great to use for flat ironing, or to moisturize flat ironed hair without weighing it down.

3) Afroveda Miss Bhree hair lotion - smells like apples & cinnamon. The lightest and most watery moisturizer I own.

4) Hydratherma Naturals Growth Lotion with Emu - this is an oil moisturizer with a consistency similar to Pink Lotion. The heaviest of my milky lotions. Smells like cake. :lick:

5) Carol's Daughter original Hair Milk - This is good to use on curly hair right after shampooing. Leaves hair very soft, but not greasy.

- My hair likes glycerin.
- My porosity is normal. I do very mild ACV rinses.
- I have baby-fine hair.
- I use hair milks on damp, freshly washed hair. I will also use them as nightly moisture, after wetting my hair with a leave-in spray.
- I use BKT and henna. I am not relaxed, and I have a natural texture (type 4).