Bio Available Silica challenge anyone? So Easy

I want to get on this challenge at the end of the month. I went to the health food store and I was so excited I just bought a different version since they didn't have that brand. I've been on it for a week now, so I'm not sure if theres any change in my nails yet (I had them cut low, they were so damaged). But I really wanna try vester's recommended brand.
I'm about to start on my second bottle of Alta Silica (I believe that it was recommended that we go through 2 bottles to see the results, right?). I take 2 per day and so far I've seen a big difference in my nails. They're so thick. My hair has been doing well also, thick and strong.
I really see the difference in taking these pills. I have been thru 2 or 3 bottles and could see a remarkable difference in my nails. They were strong and clear (if that makes sense). My hair is also doing good, I believe this including other factors have been why. However I haven't taken them in about 15-20 days and now I notice my nails are weak again, and can't keep a good length. I also noticed 2 dark linings on two of my nails, which was normally there, but after I started taking these pills it disappeared. So I am going to go and get more, apparently my body is lacking something. I remember reading in Cathy Howse book that your body is telling you something is lacking when you see the darkened nails.
ITA! My nails have been doing WONDERFULLY as a result of the Silica. Therefore, I'm assuming that my hair is benefiting as well. I haven't straightened my whole head since April (before I was taking the Silica) so I don't really know whats going on with the full growth rate. I know exactly what you're talking about because my nails are strong and clear also. They feel like horse hooves :lachen:I'm 2 weeks away from finishing my 2nd bottle. I love it!
Yes I know I'm late, but I just purchased 2 bootles today and I can't wait. :woot:

joyandfaith - how many a day are you taking?
I still take between 2 and 4 daily - most often two. My nails are wonderful. I don't know how my hair is as I am braided, but it does seem to be growing- esp. between the braids. :perplexed

I also notice that as I have picked up my running, my knees are doing just fine. I think the silica is helping with that too!
any updates? i had fallen off for over a month, and i just recently picked it up again. was doing three, but have increased to 4 in the last few days. my nails are off the hook. i think my hair is doing well, but i haven't pressed it out, so i don't know the exact length.
I stopped taking it for a while and my nails suffered, so I got back on the wagon...I figure if my nails are benefiting my hair must be too. I haven't straighted my hair but I know it's growing at a good clip because my twists are getting longer and longer :drunk:


For my needs - the BioSil worked much better than the AltaSilica. I still have a few more of the Alta left, after that I will be switching to the BioSil. I guess it all depends on your body chemistry???
For my needs - the BioSil worked much better than the AltaSilica. I still have a few more of the Alta left, after that I will be switching to the BioSil. I guess it all depends on your body chemistry???

I used this 1 & didn't c much difference. ne1 else have good reports on the Alta brand?
Hi vevster,
I just finished reading the article and looking at the Alta Silica bottle and it's ingredients. I am confused by the information listed in the Doctor's article and the info on the Alta Silica label. The doctor stated that : "It was not too long after the introduction of silica supplementation to the world by Dr. Richard Barmakian with his Alta Health Products before a copycat ‘Silica’ labeled product entered the marketplace at only half the price. Sadly, it was not even half the product. It was in fact just plain horsetail grass. Underneath the prominent ‘Silica’ on that label were the italicized Latin words ‘equisetem arvense’ inside parenthesis in tiny little print. That is the botanical name for horsetail grass so they let you know up front that this was just horsetail grass." "That ‘Silica’/horsetail grass product poisoned the well because so many bought the bargain variety and of course did not receive the results that they had heard about so the silica momentum started by Dr. Barmakian’s fastidious research and integrity has been slow – but steady – with only those stumbling onto Alta Health Silica or studiously finding their way to it knowing the astounding benefits of whole food, grown, vegetal silica."

I am confused cause the Alta brand silica that you posted a link to has the words Equisetum Arvense next to the words horsetail herb extract. According to the article these words mean horsetail grass and this doesn't give good results.

Was anyone else confused after reading this article and then viewing the label??


The only supplement that I am taking for my hair growth is Bio Available Silica -- 1 caps 3x a day. I noticed rapid growth starting my second bottle... I just cut my hair (major) and I really see my hair looking longer when first cut!

I would like to have a challenge where folks would take the silica(has to be a specific brand - not pricey, I'll post the link below - taken 3 times a day for 2 bottles and discuss results..

I thought this would be a great challenge for those having problems with growth....

I started with the silica after reading this article: Here is an excerpt

Read whole article here:

Here is the silica:

bump..I too had good results in terms of hair. i have slacked on taking it, but my mom is doing great in terms of her joints.
i started the alta silica jan 1st and have noticed a difference in my nails immediately...length and strength. they are longer and stronger than the results i would get from my regular hsn vitamin alone
I'm only taking 2 a day - maybe I'll bump it up to 3. However, I did an experiment - no topical growth aids, only supplements for a lil over 3 weeks & I got 1/2 - 3/4 inch growth. Also I went back 2 acrylic nails & now I'm needing fill-ins in 7-9 days versus every 2 weeks like before. So I think this combined with the other supplements I'm taking (Foti Root, MSM, Super Biotin & now B-Complex & a Hair, Skin & Nails Multi) are really working for me. I don't think I'll be investing in anymore topical growth aids - I'd much rather take supplements anyhow.
Is there anyone else still taking these pills. I want to start taking them now along with my Biosil to speed up my nail growth and hopefully thicken my hair and grow it a little faster since I just took off 3 inches on Friday. I want to be back at BSL by december 2009, I'm currently at APL again. Any updates would be greatly appreciated:yep:.
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still using, still loving. This really keeps my nails on point with no effort. And my knees haven't bothered me running or exercising at all.

What ever happened on this challenge? I found a bottle of this in my stash. Anyone still taking this?