Braid Questions - DIVA HELP ME PLEASE!!!


New Member
I am braiding my hair this weekend. Here are my questions...

1. can I braid and NOT use a lot of hair? Will this elevate the heavy braided hair look?

2. I have highlights, is it neccesary for me to get hair that matches both my hair and highlights?

Leejure in answer to your questions:

1. can I braid and NOT use a lot of hair? Will this elevate the heavy braided hair look?

You do not have to use alot of hair. When I braid my hair I use more of my hair than the synthetic hair so I won't have all those braids. I received many compliments and people tell me they like my braids because I don't have a full head of braids. If you are doing them yourself then you can control how many braids you will have, but if you're having someone else do them for you, just them you don't want to have alot of braids so if they can make them a little bigger. The size of a pencil is what I try to aim for.

2. I have highlights, is it neccesary for me to get hair that matches both my hair and highlights?

No, any hair color you want will work.
Thanks Fancy!

I too can not tolerate a lot of braids in my hair. I don't think it looks right (on me) to have a million in one braids and that is the peoblem I had the previous times getting them done. The woman used about 6 pakcs of hair and I looked like a heavy head mess. I want to use more of my hair and less of the synthetic hair.

One more question...

Now, I want a lighter color (not Beyonce light) but a lighter color. My natural hair is light brown with bronzy/copperish highlights, so I can use light brown hair with a tad bit lighter hair mixed in. This would work and not collide with the copper tones?

Leejure, don't worry too much about matching up your hair perfectly. Once your hair is braided, as long as you have a general match to your hair color, it will appear to all blend together when it's braided. I have had many different colors in braids, as long as I had mixed it with a bit of my natural color, I was fine.