Braiding with Kanekalon fiber question


Well-Known Member
I want my braids to be shoulder length. Would cutting the kanekalon fiber in half help me achieve this look? It seems like after cutting the jumbo braid in half the braids would come out too short. Help please
I want my braids to be shoulder length. Would cutting the kanekalon fiber in half help me achieve this look? It seems like after cutting the jumbo braid in half the braids would come out too short. Help please

Just fold the hair and see what length it will come to, and there is your answer. If u want it a little longer, you might not be able to exactly cut it in half. HTH
It depends on the brand. some brands come halved already making 2 bundles in the pack while some have one super long piece. I usually use the super long piece. Im 5 foot 5 and cut that one piece in half and then folding it in half to braid gives me bra strap- mid back length braids. Cutting it in half twice gives me armpit length. so you should just fold the pieces and put them up to your body to see how long or short it would be.