Bun protective style tips.. help :)


New Member
Hey Ladies.. I posted these ? on the bun challenge thread but I wanted to make sure i got a response.

I've worn a donut bun/form/shaper thingy for the last couple of years and due to several mistakes (overuse of regular gel, harsh brushing, leaving bun in the same spot for years, etc..) my hair started breaking and my ends were fried (lack of moisture, conditioner, etc... ) so I thought i had to give up the bun:nono:.. but now - I'm learning it can help in the growth process. So here are my questions (sorry if they're dumb/long but I'm just starting my hair care journey):grin:

(1) I'm only 3 weeks post-relaxer and Im trying to do my first stretch to 10 weeks - I have 4A hair (i think..) and its not very thick. Once, my new growth really starts to come in, If I airdry my hair (probably using 3 - 4 plats since i get less tangling that way).. how in the world? - lol - can I get my hair to lay down w/out harsh brushing and regular brown gel? My hair is thin/gone at the crown and shedding everywhere else so I'm trying to do as less manipulation as possible and little/no heat..

(2)Whats the best way to protect my ends and is the donut bun/foam thingy ok? or should I try something else. My hair is end-of-neck, right-at the tip of my-upper-shoulder-length, (not sure what acronym to use for that - haha) --- in layers, so I do not have the length to twist my hair to the ends and make a bun w/o any type of form and not look like a hot-mess. ;)

(3)What are the best type(s) of hairpins to use for no-breakage? I've used the black, coated-tip, hair pins but they seem to make my scalp sore.. (probably user error - lol)

TIA ... ladies :drunk:
What about drying your hair in a bun? (Not in the donut; just pulled back with your ends tucked under.) If you do that, you can tie a scarf down over your hair so that your new growth dries flat.
If you wanna continue to wear the bun make sure its wrapped in saran, silk, or satin (heck just something). That foam will suck the moisture out of your hair.

Take the bun and rubberband off every night to moisturize and seal and let the hair rest without the holder.

You dont need a holder or bobby pins to hold the hair around the donut. Take a rattail comb and use the tail to go around the donut and that will/ should hold it.
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