Bun wearers this is for you!


There is no board.
Yesterday after I taught my step class one of my students who is also a good friend of mine prepare to go home and so we head to the bathroom and get to talking. Anyway, I noticed this girl primping in the mirror with really thick above brastrap hair. I mean I couldn’t help but notice because she kept doing the “white girl flip” flipping her head from side to side and then flipping her hair back with her hands. I mean it was like excessive flipping going on there! But what I also noticed was that her hair seemed to be….well…..heavylike. The way it moved seemed odd and when she combed it, it was like she was combing only the surface. I was trying so hard not to stare and she probably knew I was looking anyway!
So I thought it may have been a weave which maybe she was proud of sporting and was the best looking one I’ve seen but what do I know . I don’t really have an eye to spot it unless it’s blatantly in your face obvious. Anyway, my friend comes from the bathroom and I lean over and asked her if she thought her hair was real or if it was a weave. I felt so bad for asking but anyway, she then says something incredibly surprising which made me laugh. Now keep in mind that I don’t know if she knows anything about haircare and whatnot! She says…..”I don’t think that’s her hair, it’s a weave.” I then ask her why. She goes onto say…..”Because people with real hair like that always keeps it up in a bun!” I was like
and then I started

Just wanted to share this as there are people that actually notice small things like this.
That's so true....it's the people who have fake hair and want everyone to THINK it's theirs that swing their heads around until they have a broken neck. I don't need to do that daily...plus, I like to shock people when I finally do wear it down.

Tebby1017 said:
That's so true....it's the people who have fake hair and want everyone to THINK it's theirs that swing their heads around until they have a broken neck. I don't need to do that daily...plus, I like to shock people when I finally do wear it down.


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