Can Color Rinses Be Applied Often?


New Member
I would like to know if color rinses can be applied often? About 3 weeks stylist had applied a rinse (Clairol's Beautiful Collection in black) on my hair...and now 3 weeks later the color is washed out and my red highlights is starting to show...Would it be safe for me to do another rinse now?...or Should I wait till my next touch-up, which will be in 10 more weeks?

You can apply them as often as needed. However, when I use them I apply them after relaxing too because it seems that the relaxer strips the color out.
As long as it doesn't contain any harsh ingredients such as ammonia or peroxide, I would say it's safe to apply it often. When I was on a red semi-permanent kick, I applied it once every 4 to 6 weeks without any problems.
locabouthair said:
im natural and my hair is black. if i wanted a brown or reddish color could I use a rinse?

It's mostly impossible to do this with a rinse. You have to use something stronger that will lift the color. I say "mostly impossible" because when my hair was black it had some natural browness to it from the sun. And I use the sebastian colorshine ( I forget the name of the color, but it was reddish-brownish) and I did get a reddish-brownish tint from it. But usually you have to use something to lift the black. Hope that helps!!
Colourshines suggests you reapply the rinse every 4 to 6 weeks. So yes, you can use it often. As long as it doesn't contain amonia or peroxide or alcohol. As far as the young lady who is natural and wants to try a reddish rinse. I'd highly suggest trying colourshines in the cinnamon color. it's a beautiful cinnamon colored tint that doesn't look shockingly fake. I have dark dark brown hair and it colored my hair nicely so i imagine it'll do te same for you unless your hair is deep deep black. Also, i'm not sure if it works as good on naturals, but i cant think of a reason why it wouldnt....
Mizani_Mrs said:
Colourshines suggests you reapply the rinse every 4 to 6 weeks. So yes, you can use it often. As long as it doesn't contain amonia or peroxide or alcohol. As far as the young lady who is natural and wants to try a reddish rinse. I'd highly suggest trying colourshines in the cinnamon color. it's a beautiful cinnamon colored tint that doesn't look shockingly fake. I have dark dark brown hair and it colored my hair nicely so i imagine it'll do te same for you unless your hair is deep deep black. Also, i'm not sure if it works as good on naturals, but i cant think of a reason why it wouldnt....

thanks for posting this Mizani_Mrs! I am getting a rinse(sebestian's) the next time I get a relaxer,hopefully.
Hey LL:

Completely off topic, but: Your hair is freakin' gorgeous! I LOVE those waves.

Are you natural?

PrettyBrownEyes said:
Okay Lady Lioness, give up the details of how you did that beautiful braid out. :)

Lol:) problem PBE...The first thing I did was drenched my whole hair with Wave Nouveau moisturizing lotion...then I sealed it in with NTM serum...I made about 8-9 medium size cornrows all going back...and applied small perm rods to the ends of the cornrows...I then put on my satin bonnet and went off to bed...the next morning I removed the rods, then applied a little bit of the wave nouveau to the palm of my hands, I started unraveling the braids with my fingers, and seperated each wave piece by piece...this made my hair appear more thicker and fuller.
PrettyBrownEyes said:
Thanks, its so pretty. You did this on dry hair? Will you have to re-do it again each night or just put on a bonnet?

Thanx:)...Yes i did do this on dry hair...I didn't co-wash or washed my hair in anyway...the only thing I added to keep it moist was wave nouveau...I would definetely have to comb it out and yes re-do the cornrows again...if I didn't and just add my satin bonnet and went off to bed...the next morning my waves would end up all flat.