Can someone explain oil rinsing??


Someone please enlighten me, I've seen oil rinsing on some of your threads and I'm very intriqued.:thought: What is it?
I first did this during a stressful time in my life in 2006 (Breast tumor), one day didnt feel like doing my hair, so I grabbed some oil and poured it over my head over the tub and then squeezed it out (squeezed and squeezed and then some more) put it up and called it a day, the next day my hair felt great, it was clean (so for me it was 'oil washing') all product build up was gone and my hair was super moist, so I reported this crazy finding here, since then there have been many variations of how ladies do it.

I since have not done this very much-I hate wasting precious oils-plus I wear so much oil in my hair so I have no use for oil rinsing, plus my life isnt in the same place where I just wanted a quick solution-I have time and motivation to take care of my hair now-but if I ever had to do it again-it works:yep:

u should do a search, my thread was called 'ya'll are gonna think I'm crazy-oil wash?' the next year there was another thread called 'dont sleep on oil rinses'

you will find all the info you need in those threads
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Maybe I should call what I do "oil rinising," but this is what works for me. I usually dampen my hair a little (or wet it completely, depending on how much of a hurry I'm in). I apply the oil to my hair in sections. If I have a little time, I might let it stay in for a while. If not, I get in the shower and I rinse it out under the shower head using a low pressure setting. I use the lower pressure setting because it seems to help the oil run down the shaft of my hair and allows me to detangle very easily. Then, I follow up with a quick co-wash. Even if I don't DC afterwards, this always leaves my hair feeling very soft and moisturized until my next wash. This has kind of become my prepoo regimen, too, except I add some ayurvedics to the mix.

As always, YMMV, and you have to find out what works for you. :)