Cannot Search...


This is getting a bit (to say the least) annoying. Doesn't anyone read ANY of the sticky subjects in OT? That is one of the most visited forums which always contains information about the site.

So far 44 people have seen this topic. Where are the rest 13K?

We even had complaints on the eSupport system about the search engine...

What can I say...
dimopoulos said:

This is getting a bit (to say the least) annoying. Doesn't anyone read ANY of the sticky subjects in OT? That is one of the most visited forums which always contains information about the site.

So far 44 people have seen this topic. Where are the rest 13K?

We even had complaints on the eSupport system about the search engine...

What can I say...

I do understand the frustration, but truth be told, I almost never go in off topic and I would expect to come to this section to find technical sticky messages. I do know enough to look for an answer before I end up as the 100th person to ask the question - lol. But it also may help to also have a "search disabled" message instead of the current one.
If there was a feature like that (i.e. to display search disabled) I would have already used it. However if I did alter the message that says xxxx you do not have permission blah blah to say "Search disabled" then you would get that message in every error message - even if you made a mistake on your password while trying to log in. That would be at least a bit funny: Cannot log in cause search is disabled.... Gosh I cannot even imagine the size of the riot if that ever happened... lol
I think any announcements regarding the board's functionality should be posted in here, as not everyone will go to the OT board. And, some people, like myself, start to ignore stickys after a while.