Girl, that's probably the most prepared I've probably seen anyone for an at-home relaxer. Congrats on taking the plunge. And great great progress as well
Well done, your hair looks fabulous. It inspires confidence in the rest of us budding self relaxers!
you did an AWESOME job! I have wondered about the Sebastian cellophanes since seeing them on bluebeez. Do you mind me asking if you used heat with your application? Was it messy at all? I used a semi-permenant by Matrix on my self relaxer day and it bleed something terrible.

LOL ... I really enjoyed your post. It was quite entertaining ... plus you did a great job on your first self-relaxing job.

Looks like you're well on your way to being stylist independent. That's something to celebrate.
Very well done! Great progress too.

:giggle: at your "wine glass" with Ginger Ale. :rofl: I was thinking "This should be interesting, having a drink while you relax your own hair." Very funny.
Thanks for all the kinds words, ladies!

you did an AWESOME job! I have wondered about the Sebastian cellophanes since seeing them on bluebeez. Do you mind me asking if you used heat with your application? Was it messy at all? I used a semi-permenant by Matrix on my self relaxer day and it bleed something terrible.


Thanks, tishee! I did use heat with the Cellophanes. After shampooing, I airdried until my hair was about 75% dry, then i applied the Cellophanes, put on a plastic showercap, and sat under my heat cap for about 30 minutes. Then I took off the heat cap and the plastic cap and let my hair cool for about 5 minutes. Then I shampooed again and conditioned. It wasn't very messy at all. I really liked the texture, actually. It felt very slippery and silky.
Congratulations! You did a great job and I enjoyed reading your post. I did cringe when I saw the wine glass then laughed when you mentioned it was ginger ale. Your hair is beautiful and I'm confident your post inspired a lot of DIYers.
Congrats girlfriend, I know it's very liberating. I haven't seen a beautician in the past 6 years...Great job
Look at you! You have developed healthy hair growing skills and self-relaxing skills as well! just inspiring! congrats and keep up the lovely work!
congrats! i'll be doing the same also. dh will watch me to help guide. to say it will be interesting is an understatement.
Great progress! Congrats on your self relaxing experience! I, too, used Alter Ego Relaxer! I ended up underprocessing my hair though cause I was scared to leave it on for too long. Oh well.. better luck next time!

Your hair looks great!