Clarifying Methods...


New Member
Anyone use any of these methods to clarify?

A) Baking Soda, added to conditioner or poo
B) Lemon Juice, added to conditioner or poo
C) ACV mixed with water
D) ACV added to conditioner or poo

1) If so, what are/were ur results? (clean scalp, stripped/dry hair, shiny hair, etc)
2) How often do u use this method?
3) Do U follow the "Curly Girl" (or modified) regimen ?

.... thanks for ur responses :cool:
i never clarify...i never really heard about it until i came to this site....what is it for exactly and is it hair and scalp always seem very clean after i wash it..
I clarify once every 6-8 weeks with Apple Cider Vinegar. I just shake the bottle and pour over my wet hair, working it through. And then shampoo.

I find it helps get rid of product build-up, so my hair is shinier and more responsive to products and styling.
i have used baking soda with apple cider vinegar...i may try sort of a clarifying spritz with some lemon juice and water for my daughter's locs...she had horrible build up today and clarifying shampoo didnt cut last resort would be dish soap...

i use it whenever could be once a week or maybe every other week...i like how my hair feels afterward...soft and the products do work better afterwards...i dont follow any methods with it
DangerouslyShy said:
i never clarify...i never really heard about it until i came to this site....what is it for exactly and is it hair and scalp always seem very clean after i wash it..

It's to get rid of excessive buildup on your hair. You know how sometimes products stop working on your hair? Sometimes, it's due to buildup that regular washing didn't get rid of. Another sign that your hair needs clarifying is when your hair gets dull and lifeless. :)
Whilst trying to create a winter regime I tried Motown Girl's baking soda clarifier and was pleasantly surprised by the results. Since the cold weather I have been reluctant to use shampoo, so I tried this method by mixing 1tsp of soda with a large cup of warm water in a spray bottle. This mixture I sprayed directly on my scalp and massaged it in, then the remainder I used on my hair. Then I did a CW. My scalp and hair felt much cleaner & softer. I in fact used less amounts of hair products afterwards because my hair felt very moisturised, had slip & I experienced minimal breakage/shredding. I will try mixing the soda in my conditioner in a few weeks time, but I like the method without.
Peachtree said:
Anyone use any of these methods to clarify?

C) ACV mixed with water

1) If so, what are/were ur results? (clean scalp, stripped/dry hair, shiny hair, etc)
2) How often do u use this method?
3) Do U follow the "Curly Girl" (or modified) regimen ?

Method C is the one I've used most often. Although I did use Fantasia IC Tea Tree Shampoo when I wanted to clarify my hair and scalp REALLY good (it's all gone now, so it's back to weekly acv rinses). My results with an ACV rinse are always good. IMO, the more you do it, the better it keeps your hair and scalp so nice and clean. For my hair, an acv rinse is good once a week.
Allandra said:
Method C is the one I've used most often. Although I did use Fantasia IC Tea Tree Shampoo when I wanted to clarify my hair and scalp REALLY good (it's all gone now, so it's back to weekly acv rinses). My results with an ACV rinse are always good. IMO, the more you do it, the better it keeps your hair and scalp so nice and clean. For my hair, an acv rinse is good once a week.

Thanks ladies i think i will try the ACV rinse...

after you rinse you than shampoo and condition correct?
I don't clarify either but I should start. I'll have to find a natural organic clarfying shampoo b/c I've given up regular lauryl sulfate shampoos completely.
DangerouslyShy said:
Thanks ladies i think i will try the ACV rinse...

after you rinse you than shampoo and condition correct?
This is the order that works for my hair:

1. shampoo
2. acv rinse
3. condition

I condition last because I want to get the benefits of my conditioner.
Allandra said:
Method C is the one I've used most often. Although I did use Fantasia IC Tea Tree Shampoo when I wanted to clarify my hair and scalp REALLY good (it's all gone now, so it's back to weekly acv rinses). My results with an ACV rinse are always good. IMO, the more you do it, the better it keeps your hair and scalp so nice and clean. For my hair, an acv rinse is good once a week.

Yep, this is exactly what I do re ACV rinse. Come to think of it, I probably got it from you. Or Jade 21. It works great for my scalp and leaves my hair shiny.

DangerouslyShy said:
Thanks ladies i think i will try the ACV rinse...

after you rinse you than shampoo and condition correct?

DShy, I think everyone has their own technique, but I like to use the ACV rinse *after* shampoo but before conditioning. I let it sit for awhile and then apply the conditioner. I like the ratio of v. little ACV to a whole lot of water. Otherwise, my hair can get v. tangled. HTH!

Lucia said:
I don't clarify either but I should start. I'll have to find a natural organic clarfying shampoo b/c I've given up regular lauryl sulfate shampoos completely.

Lucia, have you tried Avalon Lemon Verbena Clarifying Shampoo? Avalon Products
I ACV rinse, then shampoo, then deep condition. Because I don't dilute the ACV, I want make sure my hair doesn't smell like vinegar.
Peachtree said:
Anyone use any of these methods to clarify?

A) Baking Soda, added to conditioner or poo
B) Lemon Juice, added to conditioner or poo
C) ACV mixed with water
D) ACV added to conditioner or poo

1) If so, what are/were ur results? (clean scalp, stripped/dry hair, shiny hair, etc)
2) How often do u use this method?
3) Do U follow the "Curly Girl" (or modified) regimen ?

.... thanks for ur responses :cool:
1. I've tried A, B, and C. I personally didn't like the baking soda result. I thought it made my hair feel funny and dried it out. Lemon juice I didn't notice a differance. And the ACV made my hair shine- but I don't like the smell.
2. I use to do them once a month. I now use a clarifying conditioner by Avalon Organic Botanical.
3. I've been doing the Curly Girl regimen for a year. (Exception- if I use way too much gel on my hair. Then I do a shampoo.)