conditioner washes and stretching


I am currently 6 weeks postrelaxer and am trying to keep away from my stylist since I have a decent amount of new growth and she will keep insisting on getting a touchup. I am trying to stretch to up to 10-12 weeks . How many of you ladies use conditioner washes to stretch and how often. If not do you girls have any recommendations? My edges are a little thin so that is one of my main reasons for stretching I have some shedding but its not too bad but my hair feels a little hard. suggestions please.


Well-Known Member
i did conditioner washes up to 3 and half months then my new growth was hard to manage. i then switched to deep conditioning every week with a low maintenance hair style. i'm now 5 months post and trying to hold on.


New Member
NYRICAN1 said:
I am currently 6 weeks postrelaxer and am trying to keep away from my stylist since I have a decent amount of new growth and she will keep insisting on getting a touchup. I am trying to stretch to up to 10-12 weeks . How many of you ladies use conditioner washes to stretch and how often. If not do you girls have any recommendations? My edges are a little thin so that is one of my main reasons for stretching I have some shedding but its not too bad but my hair feels a little hard. suggestions please.

CW was one of the first thing I tried when I got to this board and it just didn't work for me -- my hair LIKES 'poo! However, I do stretch and my advice is to avoid manipulating hair in between washes -- do all your moisture, treament, detangling, whatever on wash days and find no maintenance or very low maintenance style that will take you thru to the next wash. I do not comb, brush or handle my hair at all in between washes because very prone to beakage. So, my number one advice for streching is to leave the new growth strictly alone, except on wash days.

I'm 4b and my first attempt to stretch from 6 to 10 weeks without braids was too big a jump, I broke down at 8 weeks and touched up because of the shedding, itching and problems managing the two textures. After that, I decided to increase my stretch time 1 week at a time for each subsequent touchup and I can now go up to 14 weeks, no problems.

I wash once and week with moisturizing products and detangle when hair is completely saturated with condish. I also set aside more time for wash days the longer I'm post relaxer because the two textures become more and more difficult to manage and I need more time to detangle. Took me a while to understand that each week post relaxer require a slightly different strategy for managing my hair, but I slowly learned to add that extra 20 to 30 minutes each week for "detangling time" and slowly learned to leave my new growth alone in between washes.

1. wash (nexxus therappe)
2. condish (nexxus humectress - detangle hair saturated with condish)
3. leave-in (headdress)
4. oil (jojoba, castor, avacado, etc.)
5. serum (if using heat)
6. dry/style

I eliminated heat years ago, but early on, I would rollerset and hood dry. These days, I just put my wet hair in a bun and let it dry for about 24 hours before taking down. . .

There's a recent thread with lots of great advice from others re: stretching -- it's call: "Grow out - Severe Breakage" started by Trinidarkie1. Sorry, don't know how to link it but can bump it up for you . . .


Well-Known Member
I am currently 4 months post and the best thing for me is daily CW and a very good detangler.

Also, I deep condition weekly using Aubrey's GPB and I am currently saturating my hair every night with Castrol oil and cw in the mornings.



Well-Known Member
I do 16 week stretches and, if it were not for co-washing, I would be stir-crazy. I wet my hair in some form every night. Either by co-wash, shampoo, or just water in the shower. The co-washing has kept my relaxed length from getting brittle and breaking at the demarcation line and it's also kept my new growth soft and pliable for easier detangling. I try to be very low maintenance. I only use heat on my hair once a month (blow dry and flat iron). The rest of the time, I wear buns or I will braid or bantu knot it or even twist it after a shower with some leave-in and then pin up the braid/twist out the next day. (it's winter and I don't want my hair rubbing on anything). With the dry winter air, my hair loves being wet everyday and the frequent co-washing. I use a clarifyer about once every 2 weeks. I deep condition once a week and I use a reconstructor once a month. I try not to do do much to it. I just blew my hair out last night after not having it straight since Feb. 2nd and, I was surprised that it had grown even more since my then and, the health of my strands was particularly strong. I was very pleased. I will continue this regimen of 16 wks stretch and daily washing/co-washing/wetting. It's working really well.


Well-Known Member
I'm at 15 weeks headed for 20 weeks. I co-wash every other day and deep condition (30-45min under the bonnet) every three days after I poo. My hair tolerates nothing less. :naughty:


Well-Known Member
I want to try to stetch, but I have to be very careful b/c I tried this over the summer. I went 16 weeks and had some breakage. This time, I am going to apply cholestrol on my dry hair before I get in the shower. I will apply it like a retouch to the new growth and maybe a little on the ends. Then, I conditioner wash with Suave Lavendar conditioner.