Darcys Botanicals review....


Well-Known Member
There are not too many reviews on her products, so i thought i would put one out there for those that are interested. I am really picky about hair products. Other than the two perms i had as a child and the one i had as an adult, i have always been natural BUT i just learned how to properly care for my hair a little bit before June 2009. Since then i have turned into a PJ but only b/c im trying to find what works for my hair :grin:. I have quickly learned my hair likes/dislikes & im extremely picky about ingredients, smells etc. My hair doesn't like oils unless they are way down the ingredient lists, nor does it like protein. I avoid silicone's as well, so imagine how hard its been for me to find products that work for my hair? So hear goes my review.....

1) NEW Daily Leave-In Conditioner: http://darcysbotanicals.com/natural...ditioning/new-daily-leave-in-conditioner.html

I picked this because it didn't have any oils until the 6Th ingredient of course. I ordered it in the sweet cream scent and it smells so wonderful.

First I used it on my mothers naked hair (3c with a little 4a). I had pree pooed & washed her hair with Qhemet, deep conditioned it with JCWDT the night before, then she braided it up and went to sleep. I do not put any other products in after DC because i like to see how the DC works alone. The next day her hair was dry and hard, so i applied the DBDLI to it....Instant soft cottony hair with nice curl definition. I have tried other low oil leave ins on her hair & mine (KKNT, BWOC etc) and had decent results, but NOTHING like this. It even softened up her wiry Grey's.

I used it on my hair (4a with a little 3c) after washing with Qhemet- which i find drying for my hair even if i pree poo-, deep conditioned with JCWDT and let it dry over night. Applied in the morning and fell in love with my hair. No breakage, no tangles.. and a little goes a long way. I even use this on my hands and legs sometimes and it works great for that :rolleyes: I ordered four more bottles of this. I don't want to ever run out. My boyfriend emailed her about preserving it and she say's it should stay fresh for a year, depending on storing condtions fyi.

2) Organic Kalahari Melon Seed Nectar: http://darcysbotanicals.com/bath-and-body/body-oils/organic-kalahari-melon-seed-nectar.html

I put this on my mothers hair after using the DLI and she loved it. It absorbed into her hair very quickly. I don't know that it made her hair softer because it was already soft from the leave in. But it definitely kept the moisture because her hair felt a little wet still the next day when she got home from work. And remember i applied the daily leave in to her dry hair. She really liked it & it smells great.

I don't like oils on my hair, my hair don't like oils on it.. but i tried it anyways. It was not as bad as some oils, but it did dry my hair in the nappier parts (nape). On the rest of my hair it actually felt OK! I have tried every oil out there other than jasmine oil and they all sat on top of my hair and dried it all completely. Not this one. I still wont be using it on my hair but it actually was not bad!

Lately i have been using this Likas papaya soap to even out my skin tone. I saw a difference after using this soap the first time! But the soap is extremely drying said all the reviews. I could feel the drying affects of this soap while my skin was still wet! It felt like i was rubbing my hand over a wet balloon. So i got out of the shower and applied this oil to my damp skin. No itchiness from the soap, no dryness and i didn't even have to reapply it. A lot of people complain that they have to moisturize many times after using Likas papaya soap, but i didn't have to again until the next day when i used the soap again. I have even put a little of this on my face after washing my face with this papaya soap. I don't have acne prone skin, but my skin WILL break out if i get any amount of oil on it- which is another reason i hate using oils, butters etc in my hair. Two weeks later not a pimple in sight.

I used this to seal my little brothers hair one day after applying the DLI and his hair absorbed it right away without it being greasy. I think kinky hair types don't do so good with oils.. at least mine doesn't. Anyways i ordered two more bottles of this stuff a few days ago.

3) NEW Deep Conditioning Mask: http://darcysbotanicals.com/natural...-conditioning/new-deep-conditioning-mask.html

I don't really mind if there are oils in rinse out conditioners or deep conditioners as long as they are not the first few ingredients. Sometimes ill try them anyways depending on just how much oil is in them even if they are in the first few ingredients. I figure I'm rinsing the stuff out anyways so what the heck.. I'm gonna go ahead and be honest: Jessicurl weekly deep treatment works better on my hair than DBCM. So far nothing has been more moisturizing than JCWDT. I have tried Hairveda, Shescentit ( Shescentit made my hair dryer than it was before i deep conditioned it. No joke.), Keihls, Curl Junkie, going ohm etc and JCWDT just cant be beat.

DBCM is a very very thick deep conditioner packed with great ingreditants. It did moisturize my hair, but at $20 for 8oz- which is only enough for one DC session on my hair - its simply not worth it to me when JC is much cheaper AND more moisturizing. I also didn't like the scent. It smelt like herbs and cocoa, and it wasn't a sweeter cocoa. I don't like the smell of cocoa at all. Herbs i can handle, but i like my deep conditioners to smell pretty:Blush2:. Maybe this was too thick for my fine hair, maybe it was the high content of butters and oils It just didn't work for me and i wont try it again unless it becomes cheaper. Anyhow for those of you that want to try it and are skeptical because of the scent, Lysandra is so nice I'm sure she would add some scent in it if you wanted.

4)NEW Herbal Leave-In Conditioning Spritz: http://darcysbotanicals.com/natural.../new-herbal-leave-in-conditioning-spritz.html

I cant really say this softened my hair, because i already had the daily leave in it from the night before. But it did give me great second day hair and is a great moisturizer. I used it on my mothers dry hair and it did soften her hair, but i have never used this product alone. I applied the DLI right after using this on her hair, same with my little brothers. I like the smell, it just smells herbal. My little brother likes it also, but my mom doesn't like the smell. I'm going to have my other little brother use the whole bottle on his braids, then ill update. I think this is great for people who don't want a lot of oils in their spritzes etc. I can say that it doesn't leave a film at all. Qhemets Kakardy (spelling?) tea leave in conditioner spray feels greasy and filmy and there is not even any oils in it! That i don't get! So this is much better in comparison!

5) Natural Coils Curling Jelly: http://darcysbotanicals.com/natural...ng-finishing/natural-coils-curling-jelly.html

This was another winner in my book. I didn't use this on my own hair because right now i am not worried about styling, I'm worried about the health of my hair and the moisture. SO... I used it on my little brother lol. His hair is past mbl when strecthed. I think his type is a 3a. I washed it with Qhemet & used VO5 as a rinse out, detangled his hair, squeezed out the extra water, applied the DLI to damp (which left nice soft, springy smell good curls by itself) hair and raked the curling jelly through in medium sized sections. This jelly is kinda runny, but not in a bad way. I have never seen such beautiful curls! His hair is always kinda frizzy.Not anymore! I didn't even know his curl pattern was like that! My mom came home from work and was so surprised! She said she wished she had somewhere to go....Walmart, the grocery store.. Anywhere LOL. She just wanted to show it off. He was VERY happy with it too. He kept telling everyone to look at his hair. And really you couldn't help staring at him all night. He looked so cute. The curls were perfectly defined with no crunch and a great hold. I tried this on my moms hair after applying the daily leave in and it curled up very nicely and pretty. I think it would have looked even better had we used it on her hair while wet. Also this smelled so good, i caught my little brother with strands of hair in his mouth trying to suck the product out. Later i caught him actually trying to eat the jelly! And dont blame him because he is 4... It really did smell that good. I was tempted to try it :lachen:

Over all I highly recommend these products. She really puts a lot of care into her packaging and her customer service is great. She really knows what she is doing. I think a lot of people who make products make products that work for THEIR hair. I think DB are products that will work for every type of hair. I'm so happy to have tried them. For sure, the daily leave in is a staple and probably the leave in conditioning spray. For sure the Kalahari melon seed nectar for my skin, and once i get to the point where i want to style my hair, i will be buying the Curling Jelly.

I also want to say thank you to all you ladies out there. Before i became a member i was a lurker and you have all taught me everything i need to know about hair care! My hair is now thriving and i actually enjoy taking care of it instead of being scared of it and scarred of all the hair i would lose every time i combed it. Now everyone in my family is on a healthy hair journey and every ones hair is looking great. I never actually liked my hair until you all showed me just how beautiful it can be when properly cared for! I am happy to finally have something to contribute and i hope this helps someone out there!

Thanks for your review. I'm in love with the Coconut Lemongrass Transitioning Creme :love2: (I've been using it for over a month now) & the NEW Daily Leave-In Conditioner is definitely on my wishlist :yep:
Thanks for your review. I'm in love with the Coconut Lemongrass Transitioning Creme :love2: (I've been using it for over a month now) & the NEW Daily Leave-In Conditioner is definitely on my wishlist :yep:

You SHOULD try the daily leave in. How is it that you use the transitioning cream? I didnt even look at it because i assumed it was for ladies trasitioning their hair and im not. I may not use it myself, but curious to learn about it because i love giving all the advice i can to people wanting to better their hair.
I absolutely LOVE the daily leave in. LOVE IT. The coconut patchouli scent is SO AWESOME. It also works GREAT on a roller set.... I have had dry hair that needed setting and I used some of this on each piece before going on the roller (along with some SheScentIt Green Grape Leave In). Darcy's stuff works very well with SheScentIt and Hairveda (I have my faves from each line and I use em all at the same time).

Also I really really like the Madagascar Vanilla Styling Cream. Nice products, GREAT prices. Oh yeah I had the gel but gave it to my mother- she really likes it. I prefer Hairveda Whipped Gelly (NOTHING BEATS THAT ON MY HAIR!!!!!)
I absolutely LOVE the daily leave in. LOVE IT. The coconut patchouli scent is SO AWESOME. It also works GREAT on a roller set.... I have had dry hair that needed setting and I used some of this on each piece before going on the roller (along with some SheScentIt Green Grape Leave In). Darcy's stuff works very well with SheScentIt and Hairveda (I have my faves from each line and I use em all at the same time).

Also I really really like the Madagascar Vanilla Styling Cream. Nice products, GREAT prices. Oh yeah I had the gel but gave it to my mother- she really likes it. I prefer Hairveda Whipped Gelly (NOTHING BEATS THAT ON MY HAIR!!!!!)

Yeah that Madagascar cream is sold out! I already know it will be too much oils for my hair, but i did place an order for the Tucuma butter moisture whip. Hopefully that will work & i think it will! I will let you all know as soon as! Shescentit has too much proetein in her products for my liking, but im glad you shared that information for others out there! Thanks a lot :)
I placed an order on Sept 29, 09...w a i t i n g!
(Will Review)

Happy Hair Growing!
Thanks for the reviews. How would you describe the scent of the sweet cream? I love the leave in and am planning on buying a few more bottles and I was thinking about the sweet cream scent.

I love the Madagascar Vanilla Styling Cream and the Coconut & Cupuacu Butter as well.
Yeah that Madagascar cream is sold out! I already know it will be too much oils for my hair, but i did place an order for the Tucuma butter moisture whip. Hopefully that will work & i think it will! I will let you all know as soon as! Shescentit has too much proetein in her products for my liking, but im glad you shared that information for others out there! Thanks a lot :)

Gillian Butter is protein free! The Seyani Butter does have protein but not Gillian Butter. It is AWESOME! I don't think that avocado conditioner has protein, or the green grape leave in....
You SHOULD try the daily leave in. How is it that you use the transitioning cream? I didnt even look at it because i assumed it was for ladies trasitioning their hair and im not. I may not use it myself, but curious to learn about it because i love giving all the advice i can to people wanting to better their hair.

I tried it because the ingredients looked good; it leaves my relaxed hair so so soft. I also stretch my relaxer for 11-12 weeks (this time I'm going for 16 weeks) so it keeps my ng well moisturized :yep:
Thanks for the reviews. How would you describe the scent of the sweet cream? I love the leave in and am planning on buying a few more bottles and I was thinking about the sweet cream scent.

I love the Madagascar Vanilla Styling Cream and the Coconut & Cupuacu Butter as well.

It smells heavenly! Like a light sweet milk. I feel so special putting it in my hair lol. I get compliments from complete strangers when im standing in line at stores etc. I think you should try it. It smells so pretty:)
It smells heavenly! Like a light sweet milk. I feel so special putting it in my hair lol. I get compliments from complete strangers when im standing in line at stores etc. I think you should try it. It smells so pretty:)
Thank you. I am so gonna try that scent. Right now I have the Vanilla scent which is very nice but i'm gonna try the sweet cream and the juicy peach for my daughter.
I placed an order on Sept 29, 09...w a i t i n g!
(Will Review)

Happy Hair Growing!

Just so everyone knows, starting November 1st, Darcy's Botanicals will be shipping products the SAME day you place the order! I didnt think her shipping took that long anyways compared to Qhemet, Oyin's (dont get me started on them), Hairveda & Jessicurl, but now we only have to wait a few days! I know a lot of people get upset about the slow shipping from some of these companies so now you know that with Darcy's you dont have to play the waiting game:)
Too bad the Organic Coconut Butter Styling Pomade is out of stock cause I was gonna try that too. I think i wanna buy everything she has
Just so everyone knows, starting November 1st, Darcy's Botanicals will be shipping products the SAME day you place the order! I didnt think her shipping took that long anyways compared to Qhemet, Oyin's (dont get me started on them), Hairveda & Jessicurl, but now we only have to wait a few days! I know a lot of people get upset about the slow shipping from some of these companies so now you know that with Darcy's you dont have to play the waiting game:)
WHAT !! That is great. I agree her shipping wasn't bad to begin with I only waited a week for my last order I can't wait to order more. I am so in love with her stuff. I wish I could buy her whole line.
I considered this line, but it didn't really pull me into it's direction.

Maybe just try the leave in at first? You cant go wrong with it in my opinion. I say this because NOTHING i have used has ever made my hair soft. After i get this next order i just placed a few days ago, im gonna try some shampoo from her because even though the Qhenet is a sulphate free shampoo i find it extremely drying.
Thank you. I am so gonna try that scent. Right now I have the Vanilla scent which is very nice but i'm gonna try the sweet cream and the juicy peach for my daughter.

You will like the sweet cream:) I ordered two more in the sweet cream, one in the vanilla and one in the frankencense & myrth (i know i spelled that wrong lol). I dont know what franken cense smells like, i just got it out of curiousity:)
Did you try her etsy store? They may have it no there.
I don't think its on there either. I have noticed that some stuff would be out of stock on her website but not on her website. That seems weird to me. Anyway I'm gonna order some more of that leave in ASAP because it works wonders on mine and my daughter's hair. I might order some of more of that Vanilla Madagascar just because.
WHAT !! That is great. I agree her shipping wasn't bad to begin with I only waited a week for my last order I can't wait to order more. I am so in love with her stuff. I wish I could buy her whole line.

Yeah thats what she said. She doesnt want her customers to wait for a long time. Im gonna work my way through all of her products too. And The products will still be fresh, she will only make them two weeks prior so this way when someone places an order all she has to do is put it in the box.
I got an email saying my package was shipped (Order on Sept 29 email Oct 3).(YaY).

Sat Oct 3,2009 I placed an order for the spritz! (can't wait)

Happy Hair Growing!
i ordered her coconut lemongrass transitioning cream i put in on my hair when it was damp after my hair dried it was nice and soft i love this cream.
i'm looking forward to trying her leave-in's i wonder how the shea leave in compares to her orginal one, once my kbb stuff runs out i'm all over it,lol. does darcy's rregularly ahve sales y'all?
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...nawww not really :( i only know about 2 she has yearly black friday and christmas that about it...but regardless stacked up againt most of the other natural hair care providers her prices are still pretty good!
I love the coiling jelly! I use that on my wash n go and just a little oil on top of that to seal. You only need to dip the tips of your fingers in and whatever is left put it throughout your hair in each section. My hair is soft for days!! I didn't like it at first, but I love it now:lick:!
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I'm in love with these Products!:love2:

My Favs are: The Coconut Lemongrass Transitioning Hair Cream, the Cherry Kernel Nectar/Hair Oil, the Eucalpytus & Mint Hair Butter. I also really liked the Tucuma Hair Butter.

I also have the Pumpkin Seed Conditioner & the Shea Butter Hair Cream, but I haven't tried those yet.:love3:

My 'least' favorite was the Herbal Conditioning Spritz.:sad:

I managed to catch a sale over July 4th, but it was only like 10%:ohwell: