Dealing with Scab Hair - Naturals


New Member
After my post from yesterday I recieved a bunch of PM's suggesting that I may be dealing with Scab hair.

last night I did medium twists all over my head to see exactly what was going on. The top of my head was very easy to do and smooth. The hairs looked shiny and healthy except on the very ends. But the sides and especially the back of my hair was very dry looking, and my twists looked fuzzy.

After I thought about it those were the areas that I always left the relaxer on the longest. And they were also where I tended to have the worst breakage. Is my hair still dealing with scab hair in those areas?

The top of my hair grows the fastest and is about 5 inches long. But the back and sides are growing like molases and are only about 3-3.5 inches. But all that couldn't be scab hair could it?

My last relaxer was March 25, 2004 - How long will scab hair take? If you just keep your hair in braids, will it eat up your hair and cause split ends or will my new growth be okay?

Thanks for any info.
I'm just starting to hear about "scab" hair. I still really don't know what it is? I need a little more explanation. Maybe I havent noticed it because I've had braids most of the time since I've been relaxed...
naptrl said:
I'm just starting to hear about "scab" hair. I still really don't know what it is? I need a little more explanation. Maybe I havent noticed it because I've had braids most of the time since I've been relaxed...

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Hey folks!

Scab hair is a time period after you stop relaxing when your scalp is getting rid of the chemicals. During the scab hair period your scalp and hair may not look normal. Sometimes scab hair is just a completely different texture than your actual texture that should be growing out of your head. Until you go natural or stretch your relaxer for a very long period of time you may never really know if it is scab hair or not. Sometimes scab hair can grow out straighter or look more dry and damaged than your natrual hair type. Some of us naturals have never gone through a scab hair period, but scab hair does exist.

Scab hair link:
AFashionSlave said:
naptrl said:
I'm just starting to hear about "scab" hair. I still really don't know what it is? I need a little more explanation. Maybe I havent noticed it because I've had braids most of the time since I've been relaxed...

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Hey folks!

Scab hair is a time period after you stop relaxing when your scalp is getting rid of the chemicals. During the scab hair period your scalp and hair may not look normal. Sometimes scab hair is just a completely different texture than your actual texture that should be growing out of your head. Until you go natural or stretch your relaxer for a very long period of time you may never really know if it is scab hair or not. Sometimes scab hair can grow out straighter or look more dry and damaged than your natrual hair type. Some of us naturals have never gone through a scab hair period, but scab hair does exist.

Scab hair link:

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AFS, thanks for posting the link to this old thread, it's really informative. I must have looked past it the other day when i did a search on scab hair'. -- jainygirl