Did your hair texture change during/after transitioning?


Well-Known Member
I'm just wondering if anyone noticed that their hair texture changed. I can't remember what my true texture was cause I don't think I've ever had a full head of natural hair since childhood.
Yes, my texture changed a few different times. You have to keep in mind that your scalp has been exposed to harsh chemicals for years. Over time, your scalp will repair itself and while that is happening, your hair will change. After a while, the changes were subtle, but it was probably a good year before my texture completely stopped changing.
Yes, my texture changed a few different times. You have to keep in mind that your scalp has been exposed to harsh chemicals for years. Over time, your scalp will repair itself and while that is happening, your hair will change. After a while, the changes were subtle, but it was probably a good year before my texture completely stopped changing.

I am very surprised to find that my texture is nothing like my 12 weeks post relaxer ng.

I assume, like above, that it's due to my scalp repairing itself from all those years of harsh chemicals applied every 2-3 months.

I should've understod this but still....
my hair textures is nothing like what I remembered it to be when I was younger, even in pictures it has a roughish look to it. I think it is because I know how to take care of it now and what products to use or not to use
yes my texture changed, but I think thats just down to changing my products and routine as well as the relaxed ends being cut.
I've only been relaxed for about 4 years. Now i'm transitioning my re-growth is coming back how i remembered. It's soft in the crown and front, rough at the sides and in between those, at the back. The thing i have noticed though are these defined curls in random places, but now i moisturise my hair, so it may be that that's making my texture appear defined. I only greased my hair when i was natural before and dax won't define a thing
My texture didn't actually change...

However when I cut the relaxed ends off, my hair behaved completely differently. And looked different from what I expected.

Now that it's growing in some, the texture is changing slightly from the added weight of my hair.

Plus, my hair can look very coily and defined, big and fluffed out, or anywhere in between depending on products and techniques.

While I don't think my actual hair is texture or coil diameter is any different, there will be stages. I bet when my hair gets even longer, it'll behave a little differently than it does now! :yep: .

It didn't really change but it started reacting differently to various products without the addition of the relaxed ends. Now that its longer I think it looks a bit different though...for example the front/bangs area of my hair used to not really have any type of curl or wave but now that its a little longer (and I have been avoiding brushing it back into buns) it is more wavy.
I BC'd a few months ago and so far I don't think my texture has changed. I changed the way I took care of it which caused my hair to react differently (aka be more manageable) and even look different. For instance, when I was relaxed and needed a touch-up my new-growth was SO hard to comb through, but that's because I was trying to comb it dry. :cry2: Now that I'm an informed natural I know to detangle with water/condish.
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I'm late :look:, but great thread!

I'm transitioning (3 months post!!!) and I have 2 inches of new growth. I have scab hair at the sides of my head, at the very front of my head. Hopefully the texture of the scab hair will change back to my normal hair soon because the hair there is very dry and feels rough, in comparison to the rest of my hair.
My hair texture was way softer once I BC'd after my first transition June 2008. My hair was much softer than I thought. I could just use shampoo and it would be so soft that I could run a comb through it and not have any snags or tangles. Also, the wave pattern softened/stretched out a lot once it began to grow out. Right now, I still have a ton of relaxed hair, but I can see texture-wise that it's gonna be the same as my first BC. (This time no BC though)!
I thought my hair was like 3c before I was totally natural. I guess the contrast between my natural hair and relaxed hair made me think my natural hair was a lot curlier than it actually is. Right now I think my hair is in between 3b and 3c. I don't know though I'm not good with the hair typing thing.
:look:I hope no one minds if I bump this.....sorry...:look:

I've been wondering this because my relaxed ends are so frizzy, making me feel like...I don't know...I'm hoping that cutting them will make things better.
It did. My hair was rough (no, not coarse, but rough!) and a nightmare to deal with while transitioning. When I first big chopped I noticed my hair felt fine and smooth rather than rough. There were a few stray relaxed ends left over when I first big chopped, but I didn't bother trying to cut them myself because I didn't think they were that big of a deal, so I said I'd wait until I got a trim. When I finally did get a trim I couldn't believe what a difference it made. My hair not only looks, but behaves so much better - from the way it curls up to the way it takes product.

So yeah my hair definitely changed, but I'm not sure if it was actually my texture changing/ a case of scab hair, or if it was the relaxed hair weighing it down.

ETA: Wow I just noticed how old this thread it. Oops.
Well, it was bumped, so I guess it didn't hurt to add in my two cents.
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