DIY Ayurvedic Hair Growth Oil


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies! Just wanted to share this DIY I spotted today on youtube. It's of a hair growth oil made from coconut oil, fenugreek seeds and henna. It looks pretty simple to make. Has anyone ever tried something similar?


Video Link:
Her hair looks strong. I need to get back to henna. This henna oil may be a temporary way to do that.

Thanks for sharing
My thoughts exactly. I haven't used henna myself in a while. I just might give this a shot.

Yep I may use a color application brush though. My natural roots are too thick for that toothbrush. Or that new thing where it's like a brush connected to a bottle
I just mixed something similar last night.

The recipe I used for my Ayurvedic infused coconut oil:

1 tablespoon each of the following powders:
Rose petal

2 tablespoons whole fenugreek seeds

I didn't measure the coconut oil. Just opened a new jar from Trader Joes and removed oil until it reached the top of the label.

Going to infuse it for 2 weeks. My plan was to remove the powders and seeds but after seeing this video, I'll use her method and just let them stay in the jar and pour out what I need for each use. It's almost like an ongoing infusion. Yum!
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I just mixed something similar last night. The recipe I used for my Ayurvedic infused coconut oil: 1 tablespoon each of the following powders: Amla Bhringaraj Brahmi Rose petal With: 2 tablespoons whole fenugreek seeds I didn't measure the coconut oil. Just opened a new jar from Trader Joes and removed oil until it reached the top of the label. Going to infuse it for 2 weeks. My plan was to remove the powders and seeds but after seeing this video, I'll use her method and just let them stay in the jar and pour out what I need for each use. It's almost like an ongoing infusion. Yum!

Thanks for the reply. Do you use this as a prepoo kind of like she does or do you leave it in?
I just mixed something similar last night.

The recipe I used for my Ayurvedic infused coconut oil:

1 tablespoon each of the following powders:
Rose petal

2 tablespoons whole fenugreek seeds

I didn't measure the coconut oil. Just opened a new jar from Trader Joes and removed oil until it reached the top of the label.

Going to infuse it for 2 weeks. My plan was to remove the powders and seeds but after seeing this video, I'll use her method and just let them stay in the jar and pour out what I need for each use. It's almost like an ongoing infusion. Yum!

Great recipe will try it. Thanks.
For those who have made oils, will this stain clothes? I really need to make a good oil for my scalp since it's been itching me like crazy.
Sounds like a great idea. I'll try something similar minus the fenugreek. Yes I stated previously that I liked and I do but I won't risk smelling like a walking curry dish! :lol: