Does having 2 or more textures frustrate you?


New Member
I have these two textures: 3c on my crown and in the back and 4c around my edges in the front and on my temples. This erks me sometimes because the 4a hair grows a lot slower than the 3c hair. I use the same products on all my hair cuz duh...that would only make since. Do you find it (beautiful but) frustrating that you have two different textures or more? Do you end up using several different products to acommodate? I need help with this 4a hair around my edges it just doesn't like to grow. I have to literally force it. LOL :D (LIKE THAT MAKES SINCE) I told yall yesterday that I put my order in for MTG maybe that will help with the growth around my edges/temples. I am transitioning with braids right now and my homemade concoctions are doing wonderfully but I am so greedy... Sometimes I just want all my hair to make a decision on what type it wants to be and stick to it. Please, any advice will be appreciated!!


I have 3 textures- 3C in crown, loopy c curls on the side, and 4a coffee stir size curls. I got the best definition by using Elucence and Curl junkie. The hardest part of having my texture is that I don't know how to do much of anything yet other than a wash n go. I'm hoping my skills will get better in time.


Trichological Alchemist
You are definitely not alone. I have a few different hair types. Some strands you would not believe came from the same head! I have some super-fine, silky type 2a hair, believe it or not, right next to the thick, coarse 4b strands. I mean, so wiry that it has actually pierced my skin.:eek: :(

Overall, I consider my hair to be a 4b because it is 93% coarse, grows in varying degrees of “S” & “Z” patterns, and only coils around the nape area (4a). I think my odd hair variance comes from my mixed heritage. But, I tend to treat it mostly the same, mainly catering to the finer hair which is the first to break if I slack off. Especially in the crown area, and that is VERY frustrating. :perplexed It had actually broken off to about 2-inches at one point and took months to recover. The 4b hair will cut into it terribly, so moisture is #1 to add softness to the wiry hair, and resilience to the fine hair. I must do deep protein treatments every week to strengthen overall. I also avoid manipulating it too much, especially when I have a significant amount of new growth. Now, managing the different types is not a problem because I understand the balance required. HTH!!

ETA: My hair relaxed/texlaxed and because of my different textures and growth patterns, my stylist must apply the relaxer in a certain order (the crown area always last), and uses a special technique to take all the variances into account. This is why I can’t self-relax. If the relxer is not applied properly…Breakage City! I learned this the very hard way.

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