Does your hair change color towards the ends?


Well-Known Member
Hi Newbie Here!

I went for my 9-week stretch touch-up on Thursday and my stylists says, 'Your hair is very red towards the ends and looks dry. I'm going to cut some of it off.' Before my touch-up my hair was about an 1" to APL (I'm texlaxed). When she finished, she had cut my hair to shoulder length. In the 3 months since joining this board I've been really caring for my hair so I was shocked at her statement. Here's what I've been doing:

I co-wash every other day with Nexxus Humetress or Hello Hydration
I DC with ORS Mayo twice a week (I usually pre-poo with alma & EVOO and shampoo with JASON's Biotin Shampoo or Design Essentials Moisturizing Shampoo before I DC)
I do Aphogee treatments every 6 weeks
I use Shea Butter, ORS carot oil or s-curl to moisturize my hair
I seal with Vatika, EVOO, Coconut or sweet Almond oil
I use the blue Fantasia IC gel, Noodlehead, Actisilk or Blended Beauty products for curl definition

I thought my hair was in the best shape! I expected her to 'trim' maybe 1/4" off but NOT 1"! My hair grows VERY slowly and always seems to change to a redder brown towards the ends. I know this is not due to her overprocessing me at my touch-ups as she is VERY meticulous when it comes that and only does the new growth.

Just note, my hair was breaking off faster than it was growing BEFORE I started this regimine and now I have little to no breakage but a lot of split, dry, light brown ends according to my stylist.

Does anyone else's hair change to a lighter color at the ends naturally and their hair is NOT dry? Or, does this truly indicate dry hair as she claims? If so, what I am doing wrong in my regimine? I don't want to BC, should I protective style more (wear braids for the next few months)? I love to wear my hair out - it's really curly! I need help, any suggestions to curb this dryness or what I should change in my regimine?

jay :)
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My hair is the same way and I know it's not because it's dry, breaking, splitting etc. That's just the way my hair looks. When I wrap my hair, it looks like it's two different colors because the back of my hair (right below the crown) is a lot lighter than the rest of it. I can't believe the stylist had the nerve to say "I'm going to cut some of it off".....Did she even ask? That would have made me mad!!:mad:
My hair is always very dark at the roots but towards the ends its pretty brown. It could be from the chemicals, but when the summer hits my hair DEFINATELY turns colors. I love my sun-bleached hair but when the winter hits it usually fades back to black. I do darker rinses if I think my hair is getting too light in the summer. I dont think it signifies damamge unless it LOOKS damaged, my hair has always turned colors with the seasons.
As far as dryness goes, you may be overdoing it on the protein. That can cause hair to be brittle and dry. As far as the ends go, when I was younger this used to happen to me as a result of my relaxer, the sun, and time. My ends would be a different color than my roots. If you're relaxed, that probably has something to do with it. Are you concentrating product on your ends when you deep condition? You may want to try saturating your ends in deep conditioner. Another consideration is protective least until you can get them back into shape.


Notice in my pic in my siggy, my ends are lighter brown than my my roots. And lighter than my sister's overall. My sister just put a relaxer in her virgin hair, so her hair is blacker than mine. ( I have had relaxer for 3 years)

#1 Learn to self trim. No more hairdressers for you on that point. Its your hair. Demand it. If your hair is not breaking, then there is no need for trim.

#2 Relaxed hair gets lighter as it ages because it has spent so much more time having chemicals put on it and more sun exposure, and it is older.

Moisture + sealing = healthy ends that aren't snapping off.

Divine Inspiration said:
As far as dryness goes, you may be overdoing it on the protein. That can cause hair to be brittle and dry. As far as the ends go, when I was younger this used to happen to me as a result of my relaxer, the sun, and time. My ends would be a different color than my roots. If you're relaxed, that probably has something to do with it. Are you concentrating product on your ends when you deep condition? You may want to try saturating your ends in deep conditioner. Another consideration is protective least until you can get them back into shape.



Do you mean I should only DC with ORS Mayo once a week and maybe DC with a moisturizing condish for the 2nd DC of the week instead?

Divine Inspiration said:
As far as dryness goes, you may be overdoing it on the protein. That can cause hair to be brittle and dry. As far as the ends go, when I was younger this used to happen to me as a result of my relaxer, the sun, and time. My ends would be a different color than my roots. If you're relaxed, that probably has something to do with it. Are you concentrating product on your ends when you deep condition? You may want to try saturating your ends in deep conditioner. Another consideration is protective least until you can get them back into shape.



I will certianly try to saturate my ends more today as Wednesdays & Sundays are my DC days! Thanks for the suggestion!

Everyone's hair is like that. I used to think it was the relaxer, but I was checking out white & Asian women with hair APL or longer on the subway and for those who don't visibly color their hair, everyone had lighter colored ends.

Continue to baby your ends and don't let the stylist cut so much next time.
i agree with the above. when my hair was relaxed it used to turn/reddish brown so i just thought it was the relaxer. but now i'm natural and the ends still have a reddish tint. perhaps it is sun damage?
My hair is the same way. I've actually had someone tell me they like my "highlights" and when did I get it done. I think that the lightening of hair has to do with its exposure to the sun. I run during the summer and I also notice that my eye color is a little lighter when it's summer cause I run more during the summer. My arm hair gets a little lighter as well when I run during the summer.
jayjaycurlz said:
Do you mean I should only DC with ORS Mayo once a week and maybe DC with a moisturizing condish for the 2nd DC of the week instead?


If I recall correctly, the ORS Mayo has a significant amount of protein in it so you may want to cut that to once a week or once every week to restore the moisture/protein balance.
my hair is almost honey colored on the ends (esp in the light) and the roots are much darker. Overall, my hair is a dark brown color. It has been this way for as long as I can remember. I have been getting relaxers for a while so I think that really has something to do with it. My guess is overprocessing which is bound to happen over the years.
Also, once a week I use ORS Hair Mayonnaise on dry hair *before* washing, then follow-up with a moisturizing deep conditioner. I couldn't imagine doing that twice a week though - that's alot, not to mention time consuming.

Another thought: coconut oil and shea butter make my relaxed ends crunchy and have been known to affect other people's hair that way too. So you might want to try some controlled experiments to see which of the oils you currently use is best for your hair.
jayjaycurlz said:
Hi Newbie Here!

I went for my 9-week stretch touch-up on Thursday and my stylists says, 'Your hair is very red towards the ends and looks dry. I'm going to cut some of it off.' Before my touch-up my hair was about an 1" to APL (I'm texlaxed). When she finished, she had cut my hair to shoulder length. In the 3 months since joining this board I've been really caring for my hair so I was shocked at her statement. Here's what I've been doing:

I co-wash every other day with Nexxus Humetress or Hello Hydration
I DC with ORS Mayo twice a week (I usually pre-poo with alma & EVOO and shampoo with JASON's Biotin Shampoo or Design Essentials Moisturizing Shampoo before I DC)
I do Aphogee treatments every 6 weeks
I use Shea Butter, ORS carot oil or s-curl to moisturize my hair
I seal with Vatika, EVOO, Coconut or sweet Almond oil
I use the blue Fantasia IC gel, Noodlehead, Actisilk or Blended Beauty products for curl definition

I thought my hair was in the best shape! I expected her to 'trim' maybe 1/4" off but NOT 1"! My hair grows VERY slowly and always seems to change to a redder brown towards the ends. I know this is not due to her overprocessing me at my touch-ups as she is VERY meticulous when it comes that and only does the new growth.

Just note, my hair was breaking off faster than it was growing BEFORE I started this regimine and now I have little to no breakage but a lot of split, dry, light brown ends according to my stylist.

Does anyone else's hair change to a lighter color at the ends naturally and their hair is NOT dry? Or, does this truly indicate dry hair as she claims? If so, what I am doing wrong in my regimine? I don't want to BC, should I protective style more (wear braids for the next few months)? I love to wear my hair out - it's really curly! I need help, any suggestions to curb this dryness or what I should change in my regimine?

jay :)

I am so very glad that you brought this up. Mine are lighter too on the last 4 inches roughly. They are also a bit frizzy than the rest of the hair, I always get this no matter how many times I clip them, so I stopped panicking and only clip then when needed.

I have not used heat in my hair since May/June 2004. I keep it WELL moisturized with creamy leave-ins and veg. glycerine. So there is constant amount of some moisture on some level. Never dry.

Hmmmm...but why the frizzinesss....a mystery.:huh:
My ends have always been lighter that the rest of my hair, simply because of their age and not due to brittleness or dryness. There are lots of factors that can exaggerate this effect from the sun to even the type of water in house in your house. Some of these comments I hear from stylists make me so mad! :spank: That's why I take care of all my haircare needs at home. I can't have someone mess with my progess. :naughty:

Hair is naturally lighter at the ends. I read an article about hair coloring and it said the common mistake women make when coloring their hair at home is giving it a monochromatic all over tone. For a natural look, the article stated that ends are always lighter than the rest of the hair, due to oxidation I think. Take control of your haircare journey and stay the heck away from scissor happy stylists. You've found the right place to learn how to care for your hair, now it just needs to be left alone so it can do it's thing and grow.