Dry Detangling Help


New Member
Hi Ladies, quick question:

Today was the first time I "dry-detangled" my hair. It was laden with coconut oil from my overnight prepoo. I loved it much better than detangling after shampooing and plan to continue like this.

But here's the question: How do you keep it detangled throughout shampoo and conditioning? I unraveled the twists to make sure the strands were saturated with shampoo, which resulted in some tangling, so i had to do a mini-detangle after.

any advice is welcome!Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Is it just a little tangling that you could work through with finger detangling or is it so tangled that you would have to use a comb.

A few suggestions
1. Look for a more moisturizing shampoo, that doesn't strip or cause your strands to stick together. Or you can add Aloe Vera and/or some oils to your current shampoo.

2. Buffer: Apply conditioner right over the shampoo and work through before rinsing.

3. Do an oil rinse either after shampooing or with your conditioner.

4. Don't take undo your twists/braids. Just squeeze the and conditioner through. It will go through. And you can rinse it the same way.


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies, quick question:

Today was the first time I "dry-detangled" my hair. It was laden with coconut oil from my overnight prepoo. I loved it much better than detangling after shampooing and plan to continue like this.

But here's the question: How do you keep it detangled throughout shampoo and conditioning? I unraveled the twists to make sure the strands were saturated with shampoo, which resulted in some tangling, so i had to do a mini-detangle after.

any advice is welcome!Thanks!

I never do the bolded after drydetangling with oil

1) I only apply shampoo my scalp and allow it to run down my hair. I "co-wash" the length of my hair.

2) once I section my hair after detangling I keep them in for the wash dc and air dry. At the most I may undo the section tighter pre-airdry for added tension to stretch my hair

so a second detangling step isnt necessary


Well-Known Member
You don't need to unravel your hair during shampoo & conditioning. I think its too much manipulation of wet hair. The shampoo & conditioner is going to get to the hair wether you unravel or not --the braid does not create a barrier to products while washing. I used to think it wouldn't get to all the hair, but once you try you will see that the product does indeed do so. If you keep your hair braided during the shampoo/cond process then you won't have to worry about it retangling
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