Eek! Lisa Akbari is going to RELAX her hair for you guys!!!


New Member
Journey from Natural to Straight, then Straight to Natural Kick-Off

She says she's going to relax and then transition for all of you transitioners starting January 1, 2010.

When transitioning from straight hair to natural hair, many women become discouraged, confused, and often consider re-relaxing their hair. The Hair Doctor, Trichologist Lisa Akbari asks you to join her on her personal journey from natural to relaxed hair, and then back from relaxed to natural hair, as she shares new ways to make the transition. Akbari will feature weekly updates to share healthy techniques, hair care and styles, and offer encouragement as you make the journey with her. Keep the faith and remember that healthy hair is good hair! <<<She updated her webstie too!!! Off to check it out...
Wow!! This is a big thing that she is willing to do to help people out. I am natural now (actually thinking about going back to relaxed lol) and I will be following her. Thanks for this info.
Marketing ploy, but it might help some. No two heads are alike tho, so her experience won't necessaily work for everyone. Ahh well, we shall see.
I too believe it's a marketing ploy BUT quite frankly if she manages to pull off a 6 month or more transition then I will be genuinely impressed.

But if this chick relaxes her hair and gets a touch up....:lachen:
WOW! I'l going to follow her and see how and what she does. Marketing ploy or not, it's a brave move.
This is actually a pretty good idea/strategy. She can sell some products while at the same time help some folks transition.
I too believe it's a marketing ploy BUT quite frankly if she manages to pull off a 6 month or more transition then I will be genuinely impressed.

But if this chick relaxes her hair and gets a touch up....:lachen:

:lachen::lachen:that would be so wrong!

I don't think she will look very cute with relaxed hair.
WOW, really smart publicity move:yep: I actually think thats really cool of her to rewind, and essentially give herself a setback in her natural journey just so she could give some tips on transitioning......I'll stick to giving yall tips and pix cuz I aint sacrificing this length to do a demonstration love yall but it aint goin down lke that I aint neva gon' part wit my coils:love2:
Didn't Cathy Howse do something like this, only in the reverse (going natural) or am I thinking of someone else?
I met her and her husband today and we talked about hair for a while. She told me she was thinking about doing this, I didn't she would actually follow through.

That's IS why she's doing it. :yep::lol:

Not saying that she doesn't have good intentions too!

Hope it works for her, that's a big risk.

Exactly. Now she can prove her advice and products work for naturals, relaxed heads, and those in between. It's the perfect move. People who normally wouldn't buy her products or try her techniques will do it now that she's relaxing her hair.
I think it sounds great. I couldn't care less whether she's going to make money from it, I just support people who are trying to help black women live better lives. (and alleviating our hair anxiety is a big step towards living a happier life, IMO)
What the....
Not only would I not transition for you guys, I wouldn't do it for any amount of money! LOL I hated transitioning in the worst way
Who is she? I'm thinking of transitioning, so if she can help provide some good advice, well, then I could care less about her motivations.
This would be helpful for long-term transitioners. I think it's a big step but hair is her life so she'll be fine.