EFA Side Effects?


Well-Known Member
We have a couple of threads about the benefits of MSM (which I can testify too), but what about essential fatty acids (flaxseed, fish, evening primrose,etc)? I know a lot of ladies here take them. Have ya'll seen any benefits, hair or otherwise? Have there been any side effects?
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I take a comb of fish flax and borage oils. The benefits i've seen are clearer skin and feeling better mentally. I haven't had any adverse side effects.
WesternEyes said:
I take a comb of fish flax and borage oils. The benefits i've seen are clearer skin and feeling better mentally. I haven't had any adverse side effects.

Oh yeah, how could I forget about borage. I take a combo of flaxseed and borage oil. Fish oil ... uh... repeats on me. :barf: But it is said to be easier to digest than flax.

How long did you take it before you noticed the benefits?
sareca said:
We have a couple of threads about the benefits of MSM (which I can testify too), but what about essential fatty acids (flaxseed, fish, evening primrose)? I know a lot of ladies here take them. Have ya'll seen any benefits, hair or otherwise? Have there been any side effects?

Flax oil and/or ground flax can cause gas and/or diarrhea in some people. So you just have to be careful you don't take a lot all at once. Best to slowly work up to a dose you're comfortable with.

I don't take evening primrose oil specifically so I can't really answer to it but I DO however get a GLA Mix which has EP in it.

I also take fish oils but only every other day.

Good natural oils are great but, in my case, I notice that if I'm not particularly careful I can take in way too much and it just goes out the other end:perplexed .

Arcadian said:
Flax oil and/or ground flax can cause gas and/or diarrhea in some people. So you just have to be careful you don't take a lot all at once. Best to slowly work up to a dose you're comfortable with.

I don't take evening primrose oil specifically so I can't really answer to it but I DO however get a GLA Mix which has EP in it.

I also take fish oils but only every other day.

Good natural oils are great but, in my case, I notice that if I'm not particularly careful I can take in way too much and it just goes out the other end:perplexed .

Yikes! I just got through the gas issue with MSM. Not looking for a repeat... :nono:
I take high lignan flax oil daily. I was consistent with it for months and then my life got kinda crazy and I fell off of it for a couple of weeks. I'm back to taking it again. It does good things for my hair and for my cycle regularity. I think it helps my complexion as well, but I'm also drinking 2 liters of water a day, so that could be why my skin has gotten so much better. No adverse side effects, however I only take a tablespoon a day. I almost always take it right after my carrot juice.
sareca said:
We have a couple of threads about the benefits of MSM (which I can testify too), but what about essential fatty acids (flaxseed, fish, evening primrose,etc)? I know a lot of ladies here take them. Have ya'll seen any benefits, hair or otherwise? Have there been any side effects?

Hey Sareca!

I have had nothin but benefits, clear skin, NOT ONE PIMPLE!! AND BELIEVE ME i had severe acne only 3 years ago. i haven't had a spot for a good 6 months. my hair is v. moisturized. and skin seems to glow. i can come out the bath and have no need to use cream, flax has lightened any scars also.

BUT, my mum took it without food and had diareah (cant spell!!) shes takin it again now, with smaller doses.
I jumped on the flax bandwagon a while back. it worked wonders and it worked immediately! and it's a gelcap so its not that hard to swallow...too good to be true! I started seeing a difference in my scalp within 2 weeks and i was taking 2 pills every day. My scalp was moisturized....no dandruff in sight, no itching whatsoever, and my roots were soft and shiny..and i started noticing my very very roots were starting to curl up very cutely. THEN, (sorry to get graphic, but i want people to know this so they can monitor and pay attention) i finally realized that....okay how can i say this??? okay i'm a 'regular' person...and i finally realized that i haven't been 'regular' in almost 2 weeks...so i stopped taking the flax and the 2nd day i had diarrhea like something awful...and it slowly went away maybe after 4 days..... it's been a while since i used it, but i do plan to pick some up and take 1 pill every other day and build up my tolerance for it...cause it is JUST what i need. I have extremely dry scalp and it flakes the day after washing...
Essential fatty acids means we must have EFAs in our system to be healthy since our bodies cannot produce it. We need to get our EFAs from food or supplements.

Most side effects are from not having any or enough EFAs in our bodies.

Here are some of the symptoms from

Signs and symptoms of EFA deficiency

1. Skin problems: dry, eczema, dandruff, poor wound healing, sweating, loss of pigment, weak blood vessels/bruising, rough skin on upper arms and thighs. Cold peripheries.

2.Organs/glands: kidneys enlarge, kidney failure, blood in the urine, fatty liver degeneration, wasting of salivary and tear glands, pancreas shrinks, subfertility.

3.High cholesterol and impaired glucose metabolism.

4. Obesity.

5.Hormone imbalances and PMS. Cystic breast disease.

6.Allergies (atopic eczema, asthma)

7. Learning disabilities, ADHD, Depression and Behavioural disturbances. Higher risk for psychotic illnesses.
I haven't taken them that long, so I haven't seen skin or hair benefits but on a side note it kills my cramps so for that, its a keeper. I either take Udos or Fish Oil.
Isis said:
Essential fatty acids means we must have EFAs in our system to be healthy since our bodies cannot produce it. We need to get our EFAs from food or supplements.

Most side effects are from not having any or enough EFAs in our bodies.

Here are some of the symptoms from

Signs and symptoms of EFA deficiency

1. Skin problems: dry, eczema, dandruff, poor wound healing, sweating, loss of pigment, weak blood vessels/bruising, rough skin on upper arms and thighs. Cold peripheries.

2.Organs/glands: kidneys enlarge, kidney failure, blood in the urine, fatty liver degeneration, wasting of salivary and tear glands, pancreas shrinks, subfertility.

3.High cholesterol and impaired glucose metabolism.

4. Obesity.

5.Hormone imbalances and PMS. Cystic breast disease.

6.Allergies (atopic eczema, asthma)

7. Learning disabilities, ADHD, Depression and Behavioural disturbances. Higher risk for psychotic illnesses.
Wow, that's a lotta stuff. I'm not sure how it helps w/ obesity... 2 tablespoons is 8 weight watcher points! :eek: That's a 1/3 of my daily allowance. I started out taking 2tbls, but I'm going to dail it back to 1 tablespoon/day. Sorry, I just needed to vent. Losing weight is harder than growing hair! But, on the up side it does seem to help control carb cravings.
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senimoni said:
I haven't taken them that long, so I haven't seen skin or hair benefits but on a side note it kills my cramps so for that, its a keeper. I either take Udos or Fish Oil.

Yeah, that would make it a keeper for me too. Um, what's Udos?
Its an Oil Blend...Udo's Choice...it has flax in it as well as some other stuff.

Udo's Choice (Certified Organic) Perfected 3, 6, 9 Oil Blend Ingredients:

* organic flax seed oil;
* organic sunflower seed oil;
* organic sesame seed oil;
* rice and oat germ oils;
* organic coconut oil;
* organic evening primrose oil;
* lecithin (guaranteed GMO-free);
* vitamin E;
* antioxidants (tocotrienols); and
* rosemary oil.
side effect of evening primrose is bigger boobs. well thats a bad side effect for me right there so i stay away from EPO and stick with flaxseed. i also know that cod liver increases iron level
secretdiamond said:
I bought the Spectrum Flax oil soft gels and it says to take 6 (6g) :eek: a day! Is that normal?! I'm worried.
That's probably about a tablespoon. My bottle says one tablespoon is 5.7g. I was taking two (11.4g). I think Candy takes a little over 9g/day. Six grams seems normal enough to me.
toosexy1 said:
side effect of evening primrose is bigger boobs. well thats a bad side effect for me right there so i stay away from EPO and stick with flaxseed. i also know that cod liver increases iron level

Mental note... no evening primrose. Got it, thanks! :lachen:
toosexy1 said:
side effect of evening primrose is bigger boobs. well thats a bad side effect for me right there so i stay away from EPO and stick with flaxseed. i also know that cod liver increases iron level

Mental note: take MORE evening primrose!!!! :lachen::lachen:
WomanlyCharm said:
Mental note: take MORE evening primrose!!!! :lachen::lachen:
i'm taking evening primrose and my breast feel bigger, this is very detrimental my as my breasts already hit my waist because they're huge and can't stand up, i need to get an OP.
sareca said:
That's probably about a tablespoon. My bottle says one tablespoon is 5.7g. I was taking two (11.4g). I think Candy takes a little over 9g/day. Six grams seems normal enough to me.

Ok... thanks sareca for clearing that up for me.
The bigger boobs thing always seems to be a side affect for the ladies that dont want them :confused: Those of us that wouldnt mind a 'fuller cup'...nothing.
atlien11 said:
The bigger boobs thing always seems to be a side affect for the ladies that dont want them :confused: Those of us that wouldnt mind a 'fuller cup'...nothing.
want some of mine, i have plenty to give away...
sareca said:
That's probably about a tablespoon. My bottle says one tablespoon is 5.7g. I was taking two (11.4g). I think Candy takes a little over 9g/day. Six grams seems normal enough to me.
im tub says theres 1000mg in each capsule and to take two a day- so thats only 2000mg per day. is that too low?
atlien11 said:
Girl dont play, i work for UPS. I can have them Next Day Aired and on my door step by 8 a.m. tomorrow.

Pming you with my addy. Send me two generous scoops too!!

naturaline said:
im tub says theres 1000mg in each capsule and to take two a day- so thats only 2000mg per day. is that too low?

I'm not sure.:confused: My general approach is to look up the toxicity data (to make sure i'm not gonna to kill my fool self), look up the symptoms of too much, and gradually increase until I hit my body's max or the recommended max. I think Candy said her mom had diarrhea from taking it on a empty stomach. (
Apparently, it's quote-Candy-day). I've read you can have diarrhea from taking too much also.

It probably ultimately depends on your goal. I want hair benefits. Since hair is a low priority and I haven't taken EFAs in a long time I'm sure my body is going to soak it up for other stuff first. That's why I started so high. If you are just taking it for general health and always have I'm sure it's fine. My 2 cents...

Any other opinions?

sareca said:
Wow, that's a lotta stuff. I'm not sure how it helps w/ obesity... 2 tablespoons is 8 weight watcher points! :eek: That's a 1/3 of my daily allowance. I started out taking 2tbls, but I'm going to dail it back to 1 tablespoon/day. Sorry, I just needed to vent. Losing weight is harder than growing hair! But, on the up side it does seem to help control carb cravings.
All oils are not alike. Essential fatty acids like flaxseed oil burns up fat in the body. It's an oil than makes people lean. There's a thread on virgin, unprocessed coconut oil doing the same thing.