Emergencia or Emergencee


Well-Known Member
Im confused by my Dominican stylist :confused: Okay, today I went in for my wash and a treatment and the usual sat on the chair and took my hair out and and she went to washing with some mysterious shampoo smelled real good than she put "emergencia" in my hair http://www.justbeautyproducts.com/proddetail.cfm?ItemID=368&CategoryID=2 and she always use to use Nexxus emergencee and she said she no longer uses it, because the are supposebly diluting the product or changing the formula.. ( is that true) well needless to say she used it the same way and my hair never felt any better... So have any of u gals used this product before....?
I haven't but another poster who recently visited a Dominican Salon had this treatment done. Can you tell me how the results differ please, if you don't mind? Thanks for the link.
Emergencia has tons of collagen in it... makes hair bouncy, smooth and supple. I have only used it once and it was good. my clients enjoy it too.