Excellent site about hair care

Hi Keylargo,

I agree with what they have to say about regular salons. I haven't found one locally that I like.
Thanks, K-:

I've read this one before but I think I might have missed the link to the nutrition list. This list will be very helpful to me, thanks again!
thank you very much for that site. it has great info. although i have gotten veeerryyy lazy with the hot oil treatments i will do them more often again.
thanks again /images/graemlins/grin.gif

That was a useful site! I especially liked the instructions for accurately measuring the rate of hair growth. I had been so frustrated with finding a consistent way to find out how fast my hair is growing and now I know how to do it! Thanks.
Heee heee! I had NO idea that was how you measure your hair! I just gained 2" of length since I measured last week (and this after trimming about 3" off in between!).

Yay! Thanks for that link!
-gets happy and starts dancin- yaaaaaaaaaay in 4 yrs id have the legnth ive always dreamed of, fo the tyme i wish to hav and keep it /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Nice site but why does everywhere contain contradicting information. This site says that brushing your hair can be healthy if done correctly and encourages brushing your hair while a Carolyn Gray website would tell you brush only for smoothing purposes.?????????????? <font color="blue"> </font color> <font color="blue"> </font color>

I think its one of those things like hair products for us, that some techniques which are no no's are great for some and terrible for others. I don't see the day when I'm putting any brush to my hair. For some women their hair looks great and the brush just glides through and their hair and scalp benefits from it.