Fast from wrong thinking day 12


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Day 12 >

Today we are fasting from the thought that says: “If I just do more for God, perhaps He will finally bless me.”

This thinking is robbing so many people of the blessing and privileges He wants us to walk in.

1. Remember, Christianity is not about the promises we make to God, but the promises He makes to us. (2 Corinthians 1:20) The promises are YES. Our part: to say AMEN! Believe it. Receive it!

2. Exchange this “slave” mentality for a “son” mentality. You don’t have to earn God’s blessing. It's your right as a son. (Romans 8:15) Stop trying to DO enough. You ARE enough—a son/daughter!

3. Stop seeing yourself as an outsider. Mark 1:11 says you are His beloved child. He’s pleased with your faith. Faith brought Abraham into the blessing, and it brings you too! (Galatians 3:8-9)

4. You are already blessed! Ephesians 1:3 says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who HAS ALREADY BLESSED US, with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus." See it? We are already blessed! Thank Him--that’s the prayer of faith!

5. Freely we have received; now freely give. KNOWING that you have freely receivedputs into motion a generous attitude, which perpetuates more blessing. (Matthew 10:8)

6. We have a covenant of blessing! God’s blessing will overtake you when you BELIEVE in this covenant. Jesus earned it for you. It sounds too good to be true; but it IS true. (Genesis 17:2-8)

I live by the promises of God. I am a son/daughter of God. I am not a slave, needing to earn my blessing or earn my freedom. The Son has made me free; and God has already blessed me with all blessings. I have freely received; therefore I am free to give. I have a covenant of blessing and I am not on the outside, looking in; I have an inheritance. I am in God’s will, in Jesus’ Name!

In His Amazing Love,

Gregory Dickow