Fast from wrong thinking- day 3


Well-Known Member
Day 3 >TODAY we are fasting from the thought that says, “Will I ever get ahead?”

Tired of just making it? Well, true progress and success start in our thinking. Our mindsets are what keep us hemmed in and limited. A Washington Post survey revealed 4 out of 5 middle class Americans say they can’t get ahead. We must break out this thinking. Let’s...

1. Get rid of the ‘survivor’ mentality. Fill your thoughts with a mindset of abundance. John 10:10 says Jesus has come to give you the ABUNDANT LIFE. God has called you to thrive, not just survive.

2. Eliminate excuse-making. Not only do we sometimes make excuses for our status, we LOOK for excuses. If you look for an excuse, you’ll find one. But if you look for a way to make progress, the way will open. Luke 5:19 says... not finding any way, they went up on the roof. If we keep looking for a way to get ahead, we will find it.

3. YOU ARE THE HEAD! Therefore you will GET ahead. Fill your mind with what God made you. Whatever you ARE inside is WHERE you will GO on the outside. God says about you, "You are the head and not the tail...” (Deut. 28:13). Change happens on the inside first. See yourself AS the head, not the tail. Your life follows what you are focused on. It is a natural process. What you see, is what you’ll be!

4. You control your economy. God says, we reap what we sow. Don’t give into the lie that you are a product of the economy. You make it with your seed, your faith and by following God’s system. (Matthew 6:33)

5. Stop underestimating yourself. God chose to live inside of you. That means you are valuable to Him. Believe in yourself. You have treasure. You have talent. You have greatness in you. You were born to get ahead.

6. DARE TO ASK & THINK BIG! Refuse to be stamped by your financial, educational or emotional limitations. There are no limits with God. We limit Him when we think small. Ephesians 3:20 says God’s ability corresponds to what we DARE to ASK and DARE to THINK.

I embrace a mindset of abundance. I refuse to allow excuses to limit me and keep me stuck in my life, spiritually, emotionally or financially. I am the head and not the tail. What I am, on the inside, is where I’m going on the outside—I am getting ahead. My success is in my seed and I DARE to ask BIG and think Big, which enables God to take me above and beyond where I’ve ever been, in Jesus’ Name!
In His Amazing Love,
Gregory Dickow


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
This part stuck out to me: "Refuse to be stamped by your financial, educational or emotional limitations." This is so true. It seems like the world bases your success or "getting ahead" by your finances and education, and if it doesn't happen for us the way it "should" happen according to the world's standards, our emotions come into play.


Well-Known Member
This part stuck out to me: "Refuse to be stamped by your financial, educational or emotional limitations." This is so true. It seems like the world bases your success or "getting ahead" by your finances and education, and if it doesn't happen for us the way it "should" happen according to the world's standards, our emotions come into play.
ITA- It took me years to break that train of thought. :spinning:


Well-Known Member
Another reminder that everything is not what it seems...

"The World Offers...A Craving For Everything We See."
1 Jn 2:16 NLT
A Christian author writes: "There was a teenager with lots of friends who excelled in school...But looks can be deceiving. I know. I'm that girl. At 7, a neighbor molested 8, I watched my grandfather collapse with a 10, my dad left and never parents world got worse by the year. I asked Christ into my life but I still felt guilty, dirty, disappointed, scared, unworthy and empty. I said, 'God, if you won't fix my life, I'll do it myself.' I satisfied people through achievements, but inside I was empty and aching. I gave in to crawling into bed with another searching-for-love soul; two people trying to feel complete and looking in the wrong places...Growing inside were seeds of guilt, shame, and disgust. After years trying to fill the emptiness...I realized Jesus had been in my heart since the day I asked Him, and He alone could fill it completely. I'm older now...far from perfect, but I've learned that nothing in this world can satisfy the desires of the heart...if it could be found in heart wouldn't have hurt. None of these do what Jesus does. Don't be fooled by the world's promises; believe the promises of God. You're His child. He loves you and wants a relationship with you no matter what you've done."
The hymnist wrote: None but Christ can satisfy; none other Name for me! There's love, and life, and lasting joy, Lord Jesus, found in Thee!