Fast from wrong thinking day 34


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Revolution Day 34: "Why is God letting this happen to me."

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says, “Why is God letting this happen to me.” It can be so disheartening when you feel abandoned or feel God is not answering. This thought paralyzes us into inaction.
Let’s Change It Today:

1. Less philosophy and more progress! The people who received breakthroughs and answers in scripture, didn’t ask “why?” They asked “what next.” (Philippians 3:13)
2. Rid yourself of false concepts of God. God is ONLY good. James 1:17 says every GOOD and PERFECT gift comes from God—if it’s not good or perfect, it’s not from Him.
3. God empowers! You have the power to do something about whatever is happening to you. (Luke 5:17) Power is present NOW. Receive it.

4. Heaven backs you up! Matthew18:18 says “...whatever we ALLOW on earth, is ALLOWED in heaven”—meaning, heaven allows what we allow. Let’s resist the devil. Resist sickness. Resist lack and defeat, etc.

5. Don’t take ‘silence’ as God’s refusal to answer. (Matthew 15:22-28) Be persistent. Don’t accept ‘no’, to something God promised. (2 Corinthians 1:20)

6. Don’t just sit there and take it. “Why do we sit here and die...” (2 Kings 7:3-4) Take action. (Daniel 11:32) Move head on, and expect things to change!
Think It & Say It:
God is on my side. Heaven is backing me up. I have the power to change things. God’s promises are “Yes” in my life and I expect breakthroughs today. I refuse to just take it anymore from the enemy or life. I know God and I take action and progress in the perfect will of God, in Jesus’ Name!
Thank you for posting these. They are extremely inspiring and applicable to my life. I will slowly catch up. I need to continue to let my mind be renewed and transformed through God's word. :yep: