Finally happened to me...


New Member
You know sometimes I read threads where you guys talk about women of other races saying some rather things about our hair, and I would laugh, but I had never really experienced it. Until yesterday...

I went on a tour of a company with my former-college-professor-turned-friend and his wife. (both are korean) Halfway through the tour she follows me into the bathroom, then while I'm washing my hands says "Did you change your hair?". Confused, I answered "no?". I was wearing a braidout like I usually do. I figured the last time she had saw me I was in twists so perhaps she thought they were locks :rolleyes: Then when we're leaving she asks me about Beyonce of all people, asking "so does she flat iron all the time or what" :lol: I answered that Beyonce wore wigs, which led to the "so I guess she has really short hair then", which I gave the side eye to, but I didn't really feel like becoming the "representative for all black women's hair" at the moment, so I let it slide.

Then during the tour, she abrubtly turns to me and says "so can you wash your hair like normal people" I was kind of speechless, but asked "Normal people?"
She said "yeah like how I would wash my hair, is it the same thing?". Now at this point Im standing there wondering if this was real life, when she reaches out and pulls some of my hair, and then goes "oh! its soft. And longer than I thought, its kind of like a spring"

Now honestly if I had stretched some of my own hair to show her its length I wouldn't mind. But really? You're just gonna pull on someone's hair like that? This is like the 3rd time i've met this chick. I don't mind if people touch my hair but it was just so random that I was kind of taken aback. I told my boyfriend later on (of chinese descent) and he almost fell off the couch laughing and admitted that before he started going out with me he wondered the same thing, but was too afraid to ask. :lol:

Every time I read threads from others describing something like this I'm the first one to think "You should have told that person off!" But put in the situation I kind of just was speechless. I think I would have gotten self conscious about it if she didn't proceed to interject herself in between my professor and myself at every given opportunity and cling to his arm if I got within 2 feet of him. I mean I guess my hair must've been looking damn good for all that, LOL.

I just wanted to share some of that ridiculous mess with people who would understand, it gave me a good laugh. I hate being the "spokesperson for all black issues" among other races.
I have a bit of a issue with those of the Asian race.I have had a few not nice run ins with them in regards to body and hair.Im taken a back because people think they have the right to ask anyone esp a black woman about such personal matters.I guess some see us like science experiments poking and probing.
lmao! You know whats funny to me is how much other races think about our hair- i mean i dont wonder about chinese, white or any other race of women and thier hair, im not curious in the least bit but they r just so interested in how we take care of our hair. And other races love to touch our hair for some reason too.
while i would have gotten a little pissy at the Beyonce questions and actually touching my hair, the tipping point for me was the "normal people." So Black folk are not "normal people?" I would have embarrassed her simple behind on the spot
i would have offered to call Beyonce to get her those answers since you apparently know her personally. did she think you were her hair stylist or something?
while i would have gotten a little pissy at the Beyonce questions and actually touching my hair, the tipping point for me was the "normal people." So Black folk are not "normal people?" I would have embarrassed her simple behind on the spot

yessss. I was already sort of annoyed with her but that kind of tipped it over to the "Ok I don't like you" point. It might have been a foot-in-mouth moment but still :/
I don't think that was offensive, she didn't know anything about anything so she is going to sound really silly.

Like my BF is in the army and was deployed to Afghanistan you would not believe the stupid questions people asked just because they just didn't know a damn thing about the military.... or couldn't see how their questions might come across in the eyes of a war vet... they might not realize their curiosity might be inappropriate. Sometimes those question were ask out of innocent curiosity or failed attempt to relate... I think that was the Asian lady's deal
Rei, the topic is interesting, and funny/annoying and all but, when I saw your siggy all I could think was : "O M G, her eyelashes!!!"

They are so thick, and long, and beautiful!

Sorry. I had to say it. Please forgive me for being so easily distracted!
i went to the bss once and there was an asian dude an a caucasian one. The caucasian one was helping me find a wig i liked then when i tried it on i was telling them that i really wanted the hair not to look fake (as in too plasticky) and he goes "c'mon now you're black and blacks don't have hair that long, straight and shiny" :ohwell: i laughed it off and told him that black people can have hair that long (wig was mbl) and he says "next thing you'll tell me is that beyonce didn't have a nose job" :lachen: (what's up with asians and bey, man?) :lachen: he did continue to say he knows black people can have long hair that we just need to know how to care for it and that i should lay off relaxers for a while and wear a wig as a protective style lol
i didn't say anything to him cause it's not a big deal to me, i don't care and before LHCF i thought the same and he didn't come off rude.
I don't think that was offensive, she didn't know anything about anything so she is going to sound really silly.

Like my BF is in the army and was deployed to Afghanistan you would not believe the stupid questions people asked just because they just didn't know a damn thing about the military.... or couldn't see how their questions might come across in the eyes of a war vet... they might not realize their curiosity might be inappropriate. Sometimes those question were ask out of innocent curiosity or failed attempt to relate... I think that was the Asian lady's deal

I kind of get that feeling too. It wasn't PC or well phrased but it sounds more like you genuinely impressed and amazed her with your hair. As an older woman I'm not shocked if she didn't know how to say what she wanted in the right way (I've had a lot of experience with individuals who would say some things I would wince about and then see their struggle to elaborate on what they meant in a nicer way). As someone older and of another race it sounds about right. As for the way she went about it...girl have you ever tried to make small talk when you have a goal in mind? I see threads by women of the same race complaining about how they tried to have a conversation with someone about hair or their regime or their weave or etc. and the other person would just stare at them or smile awkwardly. Lol, although I appreciate her bringing Beyonce into it, cause you know she probably thought "...who can I mention that she'll know and that maybe we can relate over...who is that one black girl...bouncey? Bambi? ....Beyonce!

lmao! You know whats funny to me is how much other races think about our hair- i mean i dont wonder about chinese, white or any other race of women and thier hair, im not curious in the least bit but they r just so interested in how we take care of our hair. And other races love to touch our hair for some reason too.

Well girl we are breaking stereotypes. It's not like there are waist length black ladies running all over the world, lol. I love a long head of hair on anyone but I barely bat a lash if I see it on an asian or white woman. Now if I see it on a black woman questions arise, I'm trying to find a casual way to keep peeking at her hair, I'm curious about her regime, I'm wondering if she is mixed (I've complimented plenty heads for them to smile and casually brush off the compliment "Oh I'm mixed") or what she does to her hair or whether she cares about it (in the sense of whether she's super casual or whether she protective styles on purpose) etc. That's how I feel as a fellow black woman.

If I was Asian and I saw it I would be even more stunned and feel my perception of black hair shattered. I'd be fascinated!
i went to the bss once and there was an asian dude an a caucasian one. The caucasian one was helping me find a wig i liked then when i tried it on i was telling them that i really wanted the hair not to look fake (as in too plasticky) and he goes "c'mon now you're black and blacks don't have hair that long, straight and shiny" :ohwell: i laughed it off and told him that black people can have hair that long (wig was mbl) and he says "next thing you'll tell me is that beyonce didn't have a nose job" :lachen: (what's up with asians and bey, man?) :lachen: he did continue to say he knows black people can have long hair that we just need to know how to care for it and that i should lay off relaxers for a while and wear a wig as a protective style lol
i didn't say anything to him cause it's not a big deal to me, i don't care and before LHCF i thought the same and he didn't come off rude.

damn, he a lurker? lol
I dunno, those questions ticked me off. But I do know many people are curious about AA hair and its uniqueness. I think that woman just didnt know how to ask questions right.
I don't think it was that offensive - but not sure what to think about the washing hair like "normal people" bit. Asian people including Koreans produce and sell a large percentage of black beauty products so even if this lady is in academia and not hair manufacturing she should still try to be a a little less clueless. Still some people mean to be insulting and others literally don't know and are just curious and your instinct will tell which is which.
I work for an organization composed of people from 17 different countries (none African). I work/live in a country with no local black people. I work/hang out with another Black American female who has natural BSL unstretched hair. So you would think that between the two of us we would have a lot of experiences like that right? NO! People who are curious about our hair (or any other aspect of Blackness) know how to ask in a respectful, tactful way. Because its always a positive experience I am happy to be the 'representative for all things Black'.

That woman was deliberately being catty with the "normal" comment because she felt threatened by you (as demonstrated by her clinging to her husband when you came around). Don't be fooled! That was bad behavior and I would have stopped her immediately at "normal" while we were alone in the Ladies' room.

And yes, your eyelashes are FAB!
damn, he a lurker? lol

Lmao! I thought the same thing ha! Also i noticed those lashes of yours too- very nice! And too add in my 2 cent worth on beyonce (off subject) i've never thought she had a nose job, at least it doesnt look like it with the makeup off!
Asian people including Koreans produce and sell a large percentage of black beauty products so even if this lady is in academia and not hair manufacturing she should still try to be a a little less clueless.
I think this is why her comments tick me off. Her husband being a professor, I am sure she has come in contact with enough people from various backgrounds to know not to ask some wild questions like that. Is she going to ask some of his other black colleagues questions like that? But I'd cut her some slack if she just recently immigrated to the US.
Rei :lachen::lachen: you know??

off topic: Carisa you have to go way back, like, destiny's child's first video and you'll see an obvious difference. I didn't believe it either til one day i was watching fuse, they had beyonce day and i saw it. I also remember i never used to think she was the prettiest member, i did't even think she was all that til later on.
Rei :lachen::lachen: you know??

off topic: Carisa you have to go way back, like, destiny's child's first video and you'll see an obvious difference. I didn't believe it either til one day i was watching fuse, they had beyonce day and i saw it. I also remember i never used to think she was the prettiest member, i did't even think she was all that til later on.

Me either! See now i gotta go look lol
I just went to go watch the video for no no no...I didn't notice the nose job either, but wow. She looks radically different. Then again nose jobs in hollywood are kind of a dime a dozen anyway
OP, I forgot to say that the hair in your siggy is also lush and fabulous. I was distracted by your eyelashes Lol!
OT: I don't know...I think her nose looks the same. Like maybe she just grew into it. *shrugs*


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^^^Haha, I think it's just good contouring that makes in appear thinner in candids and basic airbrushing in magazine spreads and photoshoots.

OT, I think it was a mixture of curiosity, perhaps intimidation and sheer ignorance that lead her to make those comments; the 'normal people' bit is fairly telling and points to the latter two.
I was ticked at "normal" too. She needs to realize that "normal" means WHITE people, not her Korean arse. :lol::lol:

Volver_Alma_Gitana Sorry, off topic, but girrrl, your siggy is scandalous. I like!! I wish it were all about the hair, lol.

Back to OP, I was taking your whole story casually until she said "like normal people" :nono:. OT (again, lol): You have a Chinese boyfriend? That's pretty neat. I'm trying to open my horizon to other males of different races on campus. I go to a school where the pickings for black boys are already pretty slim (and they're extremely talented and well-sought after, considering the school I attend).
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Question: What does Asians, normal people, eyelashes, dating, and Beyonce's nose all have in common?

Ans: This thread!...Love it

OP, the asian chick bolded up on you didn't I thought we were supposed to be the tactless ones. Seems like you have the chemistry for attracting Asian men...e.g. Asian professor turned friend, Chinese boyfriend...Maybe she was trying to test your gansta just in case you behaved "abnormally" and went after her man. Get up on her black hair knowledge so she could use it against you. I can hear her telling her husband...They not even wash their hair like normal
I work for an organization composed of people from 17 different countries (none African). I work/live in a country with no local black people. I work/hang out with another Black American female who has natural BSL unstretched hair. So you would think that between the two of us we would have a lot of experiences like that right? NO! People who are curious about our hair (or any other aspect of Blackness) know how to ask in a respectful, tactful way. Because its always a positive experience I am happy to be the 'representative for all things Black'.

That woman was deliberately being catty with the "normal" comment because she felt threatened by you (as demonstrated by her clinging to her husband when you came around). Don't be fooled! That was bad behavior and I would have stopped her immediately at "normal" while we were alone in the Ladies' room.

And yes, your eyelashes are FAB!

Nothing but the truth!!!!


Think about that for a second and then call her innocent. Im not even talking about anything else in that story. I had a problem at normal people.