First flat iron since my BC ##Pics##

Mook's hair

New Member
Hi Ladies.

I flat ironed most of my hair.
I haven't pressed my hair since December.
I used old school products.
BB Oil Moisturizer to blow dry.
BLUE Ultra Sheen Grease to flat iron
and some silk elements heat protectant spray for my ends.
I dusted my ends in a few places.
I didn't try to bend the ends.
I used the Maxi Glide for the first time. I used the steam burst.
Iron was set on 4. That thing gets hot! I accidentally burned myself in one tiny spot because I got to close to my head.
I used the plate with the little teeth in it.


In all of the pics below, back section is cornrowed so this doesn't represent all of my length. I was getting tired of twists all the time and I also thought my DH might like the change too.

Overall my hair seems to be a good length for 26 months of growth.



I set it on six small flexirods over night. It's rainy & humid today so it got poofy in a good way.

That bottom layer is still cornrowed under there and you can't even see it.
(So much Hair)


Well, I just figured I'd share the outcome.
Happy Hair Growing Ladies. I'm off to class now. :grin:
Looks great girlie! I think you have some length on me. Also its good to see Maxiglide result on hair like mine... can't wait to get one. A new job, then Maxiglide - Goal set!
Mook, your hair is beautiful: the thickness and length are incredible. I wish for edges like yours, lol!
Thanks for sharing your great pics!
Your hair looks so natural and thick! Great job with the flat ironing, and nice growth you got going on there! :grin: