Flaxseed oil made me sick!


Well-Known Member
I took Flaxseed oil for about 12 days and every one of those days I was horribly sick with headaches, throwing up all day, and feeling like I had food poisoning. Plus I wasn't seeing any results. I tried taking both the pills and the oil and they both gave me the same reaction. Is it possible that I am allergic to it? I get nauseated sometimes when I eat fish but never this bad. I was taking 9,000 mg. Never again will I try something just for the hell of it!
MissFallon said:
I took Flaxseed oil for about 12 days and every one of those days I was horribly sick with headaches, throwing up all day, and feeling like I had food poisoning. Plus I wasn't seeing any results. I tried taking both the pills and the oil and they both gave me the same reaction. Is it possible that I am allergic to it? I get nauseated sometimes when I eat fish but never this bad. I was taking 9,000 mg. Never again will I try something just for the hell of it!

Definitely! I took flaxseed oil in liquid form, two tablespoons a day. Day three I broke out in hives, was wheezing, and had horrible stomach cramps and diarrhea. Being the genius that I am, I reduced my intake from two tablespoons to one :rolleyes: . This actually did help for a couple of days but then I had another wheezing, cramps, diarrhea episode.

Flaxseed has laxative effects and quite a few people are allergic to it.
MissFallon said:
I took Flaxseed oil for about 12 days and every one of those days I was horribly sick with headaches, throwing up all day, and feeling like I had food poisoning. Plus I wasn't seeing any results. I tried taking both the pills and the oil and they both gave me the same reaction. Is it possible that I am allergic to it? I get nauseated sometimes when I eat fish but never this bad. I was taking 9,000 mg. Never again will I try something just for the hell of it!

I'm sorry that you had a bad experience.... Flaxseed oil is a very good supplement.... I usually take 2 tablespoons a day, mixed in oatmeal or I'll take it with a banana.

1. How did you take the oil? On an empty stomach? It's supposed to be taken with food.

2. You said you took 9,000mg. That sounds like A LOT! The recommended amount is 1-2 tablespoons a day, and from what I recently read, it should be 1 tablespoon per 100 lbs....

3. My other thought is maybe you got an old/expired batch? Just a speculation...probably not true, but just something to check on....

I usually get the Spectrum brand, but I just went to the health food store yesterday and got this brand from Barlean's. Their website has extensive information about flaxseed oil. http://www.barleans.com/

I hope you feel better.
I've been taking flaxseed for years -- I buy fresh seeds and ground them up and put in food and drinks (cereal, shakes, gravies, water, whatever) but I would never take the oil as you did -- I'd be afraid to take straight oil just 'cuz the thought grosses me out. My grand use to give us cod liver oil when we were kids and they would have to catch me, hold me, and pour it down my mouth -- it was always some drama with me on that! I hated that stuff and I would always feel nauseated afterwards but not because of allergy, just that I hate swallowing oil.

Couple of suggestions:

-Instead of taking the oil straight, try putting it in other foods (don't heat it because that neutralizes most of the key nutrients) -- use on salads, for example

-Try the fresh seeds -- purchase already ground or what I do is buy whole seeds and gound myself in coffee grinder -- it is substantially cheaper than buying the oil and I get all the benefits of flaxseeds without the gross-out.


RelaxerRehab said:
I'm sorry that you had a bad experience.... Flaxseed oil is a very good supplement.... I usually take 2 tablespoons a day, mixed in oatmeal or I'll take it with a banana.

1. How did you take the oil? On an empty stomach? It's supposed to be taken with food.

2. You said you took 9,000mg. That sounds like A LOT! The recommended amount is 1-2 tablespoons a day, and from what I recently read, it should be 1 tablespoon per 100 lbs....

3. My other thought is maybe you got an old/expired batch? Just a speculation...probably not true, but just something to check on....

I usually get the Spectrum brand, but I just went to the health food store yesterday and got this brand from Barlean's. Their website has extensive information about flaxseed oil. http://www.barleans.com/

I hope you feel better.

I took it after meals. I was taking 5000mg (pill form) at first and then a bunch of ppl told me that it wasn't enough so i up'ed it to 9000. 1 tsp=7000-9000mg depending on the brand u take. I was taking a brand 1 tsp which was 7000 mg. I have a co-worker who takes 14,000 and she is fine. I was mixing it with my morning oatmeal also when I took the liquid.
How funny. I took flaxseed oil for the first time last week and it had me feeling naseous and stuck in the bathroom a few hours later. I wasn't sure it was the oil but now I think it was. I hadn't eaten all day and took it on an empty stomach, then immediately had dinner. I haven't had the same problems since when taking it with food.

I'm thinking I'll try the flaxseeds someone else mentioned because I gag on the oil everytime I drink it :drool:
You do have to be careful with flax. Too much can have a laxative effect. flax should always be refridgerated because it can spoil very easily.

Flax should always be taken with food. I've even slipped up and thought "oh I can handle this" and take it without (and its always a bad idea)

Never put flax oil in anything hot (over 100 degrees F) and never leave it sitting out. If you do, consider it spoiled.

You only need 1 tablespoon per 100lbs of bodyweight, so say for instance, if you're 150lbs, you'd be ok with taking 2 tablespoons but if you're 125, you'd be better off taking 1. *you have to build a tolerance for taking flax....some people do and some people just can't*

I think you need to stop taking it for a while and give it a rest for 3-4 weeks and start back slow and low.

You may need to try another brand or, get away from flax completely as you can get your omegas from other sources.

Nordic Naturals is very good (but rather expensive!)


Made me feel sick too. I thought I was pregnant. :eek: I would get up in all types of the night feeling nauseous. Never again!
MizaniMami said:
Made me feel sick too. I thought I was pregnant. :eek: I would get up in all types of the night feeling nauseous. Never again!

Girl who u tellin! I thought the same thing too at first. I don't plan on starting them again. I eat fish everyday for dinner so I think I'll b ok.
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OMG! :eek:

Flaxseed oil has awesome health benefits and i was thinking about taking it for health, not hair. I'm thinking twice.....:nono:
anyone know what the benefits of flaxseed oil? overall health and hair?

I brought some b/c it was on sale in hollands & baretts but, the nasty is sooo disgusting that i hardly EVER take it. But if i knew of the apparent benefits i.e faster hair growth, then im sure i would start taking it more frequently :p
Arcadian said:
You do have to be careful with flax. Too much can have a laxative effect. flax should always be refridgerated because it can spoil very easily.

Flax should always be taken with food. I've even slipped up and thought "oh I can handle this" and take it without (and its always a bad idea)

Never put flax oil in anything hot (over 100 degrees F) and never leave it sitting out. If you do, consider it spoiled.

You only need 1 tablespoon per 100lbs of bodyweight, so say for instance, if you're 150lbs, you'd be ok with taking 2 tablespoons but if you're 125, you'd be better off taking 1. *you have to build a tolerance for taking flax....some people do and some people just can't*

I think you need to stop taking it for a while and give it a rest for 3-4 weeks and start back slow and low.

You may need to try another brand or, get away from flax completely as you can get your omegas from other sources.

Nordic Naturals is very good (but rather expensive!)


My first thought was that your oil was rancid. I love the Spectrum flaxseed oil which I've taken for many years now and I accidentally left a new bottle out once for many hours. I didn't want it to go to waste so I tried a tablespoon in my salad as usual. Almost immediately, I was sick and had to throw up. It felt like food poisoning and I knew it had gone rancid.

I learned to always buy my flaxseed oil refrigerated and keep it in the freezer (it won't freeze) or fridge at all times. If it's being sold just sitting on the shelf, I won't buy it.

I agree with Arcadian about taking only one tablespoon per 100 pounds. I learned that also. :yep:
Sabina said:
anyone know what the benefits of flaxseed oil? overall health and hair?

I brought some b/c it was on sale in hollands & baretts but, the nasty is sooo disgusting that i hardly EVER take it. But if i knew of the apparent benefits i.e faster hair growth, then im sure i would start taking it more frequently :p

There's never a guarantee that ANYTHING will make your hair grow faster. I initially took flax for health (that was back in 1996) I still take it for health. I think that you can have too much of a good thing though.

Wont even lie; flax oil can be kinda nasty. But then again fish oil ain't exactly tasty either:lol:

Of all the flax oils I've tried Spectrum is one brand that I happen to like a lot (they even have the kind with the cinnamon which is really kinda good tasting) Because it dosen't leave a gross taste in my mouth.

And even adding it to salads is just fine. I can't remember who had the recipe for salad dressing that added flax but you can hide the taste pretty well that way.

Barleans brand is gross, thats the worst flax I've ever had to gag down.

Udos Oil blend is ok, not the best but its not just straight flax. Some people prefer it though its more expensive.

Only brand I'm always sure to buy on sale is Spectrum.

I do like what having good oils in my body can do for me like help me keep bodyfat in check, nicer skin hair and nails, etc, but I don't consider the stuff a miracle.

None of this stuff is a miracle to me. If used in the correct amounts and within reason, then sure, you'll get benefits from it. Expecting anything to work overnight or taking copious amounts in hopes to illicit faster responses sets a person up for disaster. your body can only process so much, the rest goes down the drain (literally) As I get older I can't take the amounts I used to...which used to be quite a lot!

So, more is never neccessarily better.

Anyone having problems with straight flax should probably look into blended oils like Udo's. They cause a lot less stomach upset (though they're generally a bit more expensive)

So sadly I can't point to miracles but I can say you'll see good results with consistent use.

I'm sorry this happened. I've had some constipation from it, but that's about it. I think I'm allergic to Cod Liver Oil and have a terrible reaction to it. I get a lump in my throat for days from cod liver oil.
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I think it is unlikely that both the pills that I bought and the liquid that I bought were both bad (purchased them from two different places). I am one of those people who tend to be nauseated after I eat mostly everything so I don't think this helped at all and made it worst. Plus while taking the pills I learned I'm allergic to gelletin which was what made me switch to the liquid. Didn't feel as sick with the liquid but was still throwing up 2/3 times a day. I believe I am allergic to flax oil in general.