From APL to BSL. How long???


New Member
Just wondering for a safe estimation on how long it would take to get to bsl. I said by Dec. 2007. I wanted to see if anyone was closer to there goal or already got there.
I'd like to know this too, my goal is also 12/07 I'd think it would be less time than from SL to APL but that would also depend on the persons body and where everything falls. My strap isn't too far away from my armpit.
I measured and for me once I get to APL I am five inches from full BSL. So try to measure from your armpit to where you consider BSL on yourself and estimate how long it takes for you to grow that many inches. I will be BSL by May or June of next year if I keep doing what Im doing. I know Im not APL but thats what I have been doing since shoulder length and Im kind of on track. Just hard to really determine w/ all this NG I have
It took me about a good 5 or 6 months...I think my growth slowed down just a bit during that time.
When I truly got serious about taking good care of my hair and growing it as long as possible, I was already APL. This was in November. Today, I'm atleast an 1 1/2 inch below bra strap. My hair does grow fast, but my issue was retention.
bablou00 said:
I measured and for me once I get to APL I am five inches from full BSL. So try to measure from your armpit to where you consider BSL on yourself and estimate how long it takes for you to grow that many inches. ]

What she said :)
It took me about 9 months. But because BSL really measures different on every one I would measure where you currently are now to get an estimate based on your minimal hair growth pattern. It may not be as far off as you think. ;)


For me, I made APL/Full APL around January/February. I am now 1 1/2 inches from brastrap, so I am calculating that I will reach bs in August. So for me that is 6 months, to get from APL to BS. My bra sits low across my back.