From Bald to Bodacious 3yrs and 9mos 4b natural!

Gorgeous, you and your hair! You're making me jealous I didn't do a BC; wonder if mine would have looked as good as yours.

Off to stalk your fotki, hehe.
Such Nice Hair!!!!!! So pretty and Thick!!!! When did you start to wear twist outs and use the method that you mentioned?

That is a great question.

I've always done twist outs since my hair was at the TWA stage. But it was not until the beginning of 2010 that I found out that braiding up twists results in:
1. preservation of style
2. twist definition
3. Braid elongation

I had a set of mini-twists and I wanted to make them crinkly (after seeing some beautiful locs that were in a braid out). This is how they looked:

I took them after a couple of days and the rest was history!
I'm in the process of doing a 36 month or longer transition without BCing but you've made me wanna go to the barber and get a nice fade.

You're doing a great job with your hair. Kudos to you for figuring this 'hair thing' out and growing some long healthy, drool-worthy strands!
I hope I get to where your at in 3/4 years. I shaved my head also on Nov 8th as my BC. Its only been a month but I'm hanging in there.

Congrats at the beautiful hair and growth!
i actually stalked your fotki after looking at you siggy :look: i was excited to see this post. such inspiration. i love that you wore your hair out and enjoyed it
Just read your blog post. The dread method is exactly what I do. My hair is always braided up in one way or another (though not in twists. Curious as to how you're able to keep twists in for three weeks!) and only recently did I turn to a weave for a change up. That was after I was almost waist length and now after waist length. BUT for two years straight this was my tried and true method keeping it braided up for 3-4 weeks, occasionally rinsing the braids (or putting dabbing and cleaning the scalp). And it is always my go to method. If you make sure to use detangling stuff when you take down your hair (I have to at least) then it's really an easy laid back way of achieving your goals.

Tips on twists though as I'd love to switch this up and practice for the summer because twisting my hair every day is a no no. I have tons of strands but they're fine (and kinky) so I've found that my fine hair does not like too much manipulation. Maybe with your tips I'll get from whip (btw waist and hip) length to my final goal of tbl or classic while trying out a new style (w/o a setback)!
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