Grow tips for a big Choper


Well-Known Member
Well as i told you in my other post i`m new in all the hair care, but i made the big chop instead of transitioning because my hair was falling out due to a chemical (relaxer) i used.

So here are my pictures, i have 9 days since my big chop. Any grow and style tips that i can use with my hair this short?
The first three pictures is my hair out o fthe shower no product on it, the other i have my leave in and mousse


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Congrats on your BC!!! How many months post are you? My suggestion for a healthy start is to not let your hair dry out---keep it moist. I know the natural guru's have more tips for ya. Happy Hair Growing!!! :)
Very pretty texture! I just cut my own hair last month! :grin:

At this length, all you can really do is try to keep your curls defined. And always keep your hair moisturized! You'll learn what your hair needs the more you explore.

As for growth, diet and exercise will do wonders. You might also look into sulfur, msm, and other growth aides. :yep:
Congrats on your BC!!! How many months post are you? My suggestion for a healthy start is to not let your hair dry out---keep it moist. I know the natural guru's have more tips for ya. Happy Hair Growing!!! :)
Hi, i think i have 6 or 7 weeks. I jut got anxious xD
How xan i moisturize with?

Very pretty texture! I just cut my own hair last month! :grin:

Yeah!! pretty picture you have in you signature.
Hi, i think i have 6 or 7 weeks. I jut got anxious xD
How xan i moisturize with?

Yeah!! pretty picture you have in you signature.

This is my 2nd time going natural. I'm almost a month post BC. Try starting with Conditioners like V05 Moisture Milks or Suave Coconut Conditioner. Also, search Fotki and LHCF for Product reviews especially those who may have similar hair texture to yours. Congrats on the BC and lovely texture.:yep:

I had to experiment to find the right combo to keep my hair moisturize for an entire day without the crunchy hard feeling.

For Me I have to cowash with VO5 Moisture Milk, Rinse Cool, Apply a dime size of Silk Elements Luxury Conditioner, Spray Infusium 23/Water Mix and Finish off with World of Curls Activator Gel. My hair stays moisturized and curls defined for 2 days tops. I love being natural again:rolleyes:
Congrats on your BC.

Use a non drying sulfate free shampoo (Giovanni/Old Con Green Label). All I did for the first 5 months was co-wash very often and run a lil IC fantasia thru it. Sometimes add a headband, I was boring style wise. LOL

You should try bagging to keep your hair moisturized. I don't do this nearly as much now, but it really helped my hair not dry out during those early months.
Congrats!I would just keep it simple right now, conditioner washes, DC when needed, moisturizing creams or butters, no heat, oil scalp as needed. It will grow, believe me :)
Sometimes add a headband
I do that, but it can be very boring .. actually that's why i returned to relaxed after 3 months big chop in 2007 ... i can get really bored if i dont change my hair style :S.
Congrats!I would just keep it simple right now, conditioner washes, DC when needed, moisturizing creams or butters, no heat, oil scalp as needed. It will grow, believe me :)
Thanks, i know, i always remember a Sabrina the Teenage witch episode, when she keept saying to her friend "The hair grows" ... i just want to help it :drunk:
Congratulations on the BC! I agree with much of what's been saide: simplicity, moisturize, internal health, etc. I would also add patience as a growth (and length retention) tip.

Patience is key when it comes to detangling, styling, etc. If you're frustrated and anxious while manipulating your precious coils/curls, breakage is likely. Also, don't get stuck on whipping out the ruler too often; a watched pot never boils.
I am trying to be the twa style queen. LOL you check out my fotki under TWA style Gallery to find some cute style alternatives. BTW you look great!