Hair Color


New Member
I will be getting my hair relaxed after a 15 week stretch. I have some gray hair in the front that I would love to get ride of. My stylist said that she would color it. She suggested a color with 10 developer. My question: Does anyone have similar color job? If not, are there any suggestions for gray coverage?
I would not get it done on the same day of the relaxer. This is called a demi color. My ex-stylist did that to my hair 3 yrs ago and I ended up with severely damaged hair broken all over. I suggest you wait 3 wks after your relaxer. Although the developer is only a 10, it can be quite damaging if used the same day of the relaxer. I'm speaking through experience on this one.
I agree with janeemat, and also make sure your conditioning (moisture and protein) levels are on point before the color service. I'm sure they will be since you are getting a relaxer touch-up, but still keep in mind that you will still have 2 chemicals on your hair (albeit mild).

HTH :)