Hair is just "snapping" - Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!


New Member
Ok ladies here is the problem. (kinda Long sorry)

1.) lately my hair has been breaking/shedding excessively for the past few weeks. It was snaping in the middle of the hair strand, when finger combed or combed with a wide tooth comb. Well yesterday I did a pree poo with Garnier Fructis conditioner, clarified with Keracare 1st lather, washed with Kenra Moisturizing Shampoo and deep conditioned with Kenra’s Deep Conditioner.

2.) Well Afterwards I blow dried on warm, (because air drying was breaking it too much) and then I but in the Garnier Lengthen Strengthener, Salerm 21, jojoba oil and almond oil and sealed it in with chi silk infusion (just a light drop – just enough to put a light shine in my hands).

3.) When my hair was wet is was spongy and when it dried it dried very stiff. Afterwards I flat ironed with my Sedu to smooth the cuticles and prevent them from snagging and snapping, and although it looked nice is still feels “stiff” so today I just bunned it up.

Well today I did a water test and noticed that have of my hair strand(s) partially sinks (the ends) and the middle part floats. So my hair is porous. I don’t want to rewash it because I don’t want to dry it out, but I want to get some protein in it to balance it out. It’s soft to the touch but also feels brittle and dry and just “snaps” if that makes any sense? What would you ladies suggest?

I don’t put heat on it all the time, Typically once or twice a month. I’m six weeks post relaxer, but my hair grows fast so my new growth is thick making it hard to roller set. Plus right now roller setting uses too much manipulation and breaks it. I wash it every 5-7 days. Alternating between Nexxus and Kenra Shampoos and Conditioners. I also Conditioner wash every other week with Garnier.
Hey Kandi...

My first guess is that you need some form of protein (a reconstructor or just a strong protein). I'm a fan of Dudley's DRC-28, but you can also try Emergencee.

I'm not sure exactly what else to recommend, but check out this thread. There are instructions of what to do based on your wet assessments and all:

Sistaslick's Hair Breakage 101 Thread:

Hope that helps!
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If you don't think you need a heavy protein, I like the product Roux Mendex for deep conditioning. It has a pH of 4.5 so it will correct your hair's porosity. It also has collagen protein, which is good to improve your hair's elasticity. If you do go for a heavy protein, I suggest to follow up with something that will correct the porosity, meaning Porosity Control conditioner or Motions Moisture Plus.
This is what I would do:

1. First clarify with a clarifying poo of your choice (I use Redken)
2. Second aphogee treatment-put on hair sit under dryer until hard-rinse on low water pressure until hair softens back up-then proceed as normal. I usually follow my aphogee treatment with a light moisturizing poo
3. Third follow with a good protein/moisturizing cond (I like use Keraphix mixed with Redken Heavy Cream when experiencing breakage) sit under dryer for 20-30 min
4. Follow with good leave in-Aveda Elixir, Lacio Lacio or your choice

You should see a great difference! I just noticed that you clarified yesterday, so skip the clarifying poo but use the other steps.
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janeemat said:
This is what I would do:

1. First clarify with a clarifying poo of your choice (I use Redken)
2. Second aphogee treatment-put on hair sit under dryer until hard-rinse on low water pressure until hair softens back up-then proceed as normal. I usually follow my aphogee treatment with a light moisturizing poo
3. Third follow with a good protein/moisturizing cond (I like use Keraphix mixed with Redken Heavy Cream when experiencing breakage) sit under dryer for 20-30 min
4. Follow with good leave in-Aveda Elixir, Lacio Lacio or your choice

You should see a great difference!

I agree. I would probably stick to plain moisture at step #3 tho. If you don't see a difference when you're done, saturate your hair w/ your favorite oil (warmed slightly), leave it for a 20 minutes, rinse, and co-wash (no poo).

ETA: Check your products for cones. Especially any products you've added recently. My hair doesn't like cones and does this on occasion.
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Thanks Ladies, I will certainly try to do the Keraphix mixed with a mosturizing conditioner I've never thought of mixing them.

I will also look into the Aphogee. I've just always been scared of it, because I heard it can also break your hair really badly if not used properly.
Can't tell you what to do because I'm much too new at this time to help you fix the balance but I'd not be blow drying right now, that scares me as much as APHOGEEing!!:eek:
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I'm 6 weeks post and having the same problem. I don't remember experiencing this from my last stretch. I did the big Aphogee yesterday and its still doing it. I can run my fingers thru my hair and end up with several strands in hand. YIKES!!! Going to wash again, maybe use an ORS pack and just bun it up until I can figure it out.
I was having the same problem and I ran across this post by Candy C, and I tried this and it has worked wonders for my hair. My hair has stopped breaking and it feels stronger and it has helped me to maintain moisture.

This Homemade Avacado/Protein-Moisture Mask. It really helps, and the properties have lasted in my hair even after 3 washes. It moisturizes as well as strengthens, and keeps your ends silkier then ever. I've even used this in a spray bottle before and its helped with slicking my hair back and keeping it healthy @ the same time.

I had posted/and or replied to a thread about this in the homemade section, but its worth being in here as alot of ladies find it hard to make the balance when using either protein or moisture (i know i have!!)

I hate mushy hair that breaks, and i hate straw hair that breaks..a mix of the protein and moisture is the KEY. instead of using a protein THEN a mositure conditioner, this is a fast treatment (i call it treatment as u dont use this often, its when breakage is gettin a bit scary!) that smells delisicious (may not LOOK delish..but hey!) and really conditions the hair well..anyway, enough of the long are the ingredients:


A soft (preferabley going off) HASS Avacado..(hass apparently contains more protein and alot of moisture)
Half a cup of EVOO
HALF a cup of DISTILLED, BOTTLED or plain old boiled and left to chill,,WATER
A whole EGG


Cut up the Avacado and scoop out the flesh - throw away the seed
This should be real mushy as its about to - or HAS gone off,,,if you see dark bits in the flesh, use these too..ITS ALL GOOD!
Put this into a boil and mash up with the cup of EVOO
Once runny, add the EGG
Mix together
Now add your water, and stir and mash like theres no tomorrow!

Instructions (2):

Wash your hair thoroughly with either a Clarifying poo or just your regular poo (depends on how many poducts you've been using recently)
Add this mask (yes i know its cold but that is also why it works so well! - you can also warm it up, but only for 30 seconds or so LUKEWARM!(
Now find a nice magazine, cover your head with a cap and towel and relax for approx 30 mins
After 30 mins, remove the cap, and your hair will be a lilly stuck, but its allllright, get under the shower and let the water rinse it for around 5 mins.
Now using your hands gently massage the excess mask out. You can use a conditioner afterwards if you want to, but i find missing out that step and simply using a GOOD LEAVE-IN does the trick!
whether you blowdry or airdry u will notice a big big difference in the strength and elasticity of your hair. it will straighten out easily if you use heat, or curl real nicely if you airdry. It will also shine and ur ends wont be frizzy or as frizzy. i strongly recommend this if you use heat regularley
THE LAST STEP...thank me later!!

I really hope this helps after massaging the mask out, i wouldn't follow up with a cold water rinse because u have not used a purely moisturizing treatment, and this could make you hair a little stiff just use warm to lukewarm and your leave in will seep into the hair after...


kandi1280 said:
Thanks Ladies, I will certainly try to do the Keraphix mixed with a mosturizing conditioner I've never thought of mixing them.

I will also look into the Aphogee. I've just always been scared of it, because I heard it can also break your hair really badly if not used properly.

It really is not that bad. I think people exaggerate. If you just leave you hair alone and let it dry you will be fine. Even when you start to rinse it, the water softens your hair back as it rinses out the product.

I bet many people get breakage too because they don't do a moisturizing deep condition afterwards.

You might want to try Emergencee as an option. Use it just like the aphogee directions. It is not as scary after it dries and it is easier to apply because it is like a gel.
i experience snapping, but its usually due to the hair not being moisturized enough. the weather in nyc has been harsh the past two weeks and its killing my hair and nails. so a good dc or protein and some surge should do the trick.
1) Run a dryer sheet onto hair lightly to control static and keep flyaways at bay.

2) Try misting hair ends with distilled water about 10" away from hair daily.

HoneyDew said:
It really is not that bad. I think people exaggerate. If you just leave you hair alone and let it dry you will be fine. Even when you start to rinse it, the water softens your hair back as it rinses out the product.

I bet many people get breakage too because they don't do a moisturizing deep condition afterwards.

You might want to try Emergencee as an option. Use it just like the aphogee directions. It is not as scary after it dries and it is easier to apply because it is like a gel.

I agree, and I think this exaggeration has too many people scared to try a good product that could solve a good portion of their breakage issues. Just follow the instructions, rinse thoroughly, and moisturize a lot afterwards and you will feel like you have a new head of hair.
I agree Aphogee isn't bad at all. I make sure to follow the instructions and follow up with a DC for sure. I'm natural but my hair demands protein to even remotely act right :) it's funny because a lot of naturals refuse to use protein products.